Chapter 6

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  Hiccup saw Jack walk pass by and he smiles.
"Hey Jack!" he waves off and smiles, Astros turned around and saw Jack and smiles.
Jack waved back and walked away again and Hiccup sighs.
"So who's that Jack guy?" Astrid asked
"Oh that's Jack he's the president of the yearbook club he's also in most of my classes ".
Astrid looks at Jack again and smiles, "I honestly didn't really see him"
"That what he usually says a lot that a lot of people don't really notice him unless he causes a commotion like with the teachers they're the ones who notice him a lot" hiccup laugh softly and Astrid chuckles a bit.
The bell rang and they both looked up, "well off to the next class right Hic?" she smiles and Hiccup nods.
They both walked off to their classes and Hiccup noticed Jack was all by himself just being quiet with his hoodie on.
School ended and Jack headed towards the yearbook room.
He was the only one who liked to stay their after school while mostly everyone just wants to go home.
Jack was in his small little room then heard the door open and saw Hiccup.
"Oh hey it sure is empty in here" he looks around and walks towards Jack.
Jack was sitting on the table and sat up a bit, "yeah not everyone comes back here after school unless they forgot something or didn't finish a page...".
"Hey Jack?"
"Yes Hiccup"
"Are you okay? I mean like really are you okay? Because I know we just met and stuff but you seem upset"
Jack sighs and puts his hood down and smiles.
"Yes Hiccup I'm fine, thank you for caring" Jack looks up at Hiccup and crossed his arms, "so what did you forget?"
"Huh? Oh nothing at all just trying to get away from Astrid for some reason she's just hanging around me.." he chuckled a bit, "Toothless would do the same if he was here"
Jack raised an eyebrow.
"Yeah he's my cat...sorta can be scary at times if you think about him- oh sorry you never met him" Hiccup smiles and held out his hand, "wanna come over to my house? We can hang for a bit since all you do is be in here"
Jack eyes widen a bit and got out his phone.
"Sure just let me call my mom and tell her I'm going to your house..."
After Jack called his mom, they were both walking towards Hiccup house.
"So who will I possibly meet at your house other than toothless of course"  Jack said and smiles
Hiccup scratched the back of his head and laughs a bit, "my dad his name is Stoick and we don't get along much but he's a nice guy he's the one who raised me but I sorta wonder off in the woods behind out backyard"
"And your mom?"
Hiccups' face darken a bit and Jack gasped.
"Hiccup I'm so-"
"It's fine Jack you didn't know.."
"Well everyone in the town said she was attacked by a mountain lion and they said my dad saw her get taken away..that's where I got this scar I was just sleeping in the backyard with my mom cooking in the kitchen"
Jack got Hiccups' hand and smiles.
"I'm didn't need to answer my question..."
"Yeah probably shouldn't have"
They both laughed softly and finally arrived at Hiccups' house.

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