2 Months Later Quick Teaser

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Mom: you been in bed for a month it's time to get up and walk around.

Paris : I told you over 100x times I wanna make sure I'm completely healed. Walking to the bathroom is enough.

Mom: you won't even cut on the lights or open the curtains.

Paris: cause I'm not ready to see myself im scared.

Mom : honey the doctors and nurses said everything went perfect and ur nurse said when she changed ur bandage wrap you where healing perfectly. If you woulda looked when they removed the tiny scars u would have been happy with how great everything looks.

Paris : still upset you insisted on seeing before me.

Mom:  you could have if you would just go look.

Paris: mom this isn't just some quick change of clothes this is a big change and u can't rush me.

Mom: your already almost 2 months in ur not missing no more school.


I get up going to the bathroom carefully unwrapping the bandages from my body.

I hop in the shower. I didn't notice how much I missed showering. No I didn't go a month with out washing I was hand washed.

The pain was the worst when I woke up from the surgery. I was drugged up 99% of the time. I was a handful I had nurses on staff 24/7 to cater to me and chefs to cook the best foods.

I'm sure your wonder if Sonny was there. Yes he was but we decided to be friends and go on break because I needed to focus on me and my sex change cause it's emotional thing.

The water ran down my body. I was smooth as ice cream. I'm so glade I did laser hair removal. No freaky type shit but my new boobs and pussy felt amazing. But I'm still scared to look. I was literally taking a shower in the dark. I finished up washing my body and got out wrapping a towel around me.

I slowly walked across the cold tile to the light. Regretting not turning on the floor warmers. I flick on the light closing my eyes. Keep in mind I haven't been in bright lights in a month.  I close my eyes bracing myself.

- Hehe quick teaser 😁 -

Illy.paris (bxb )trans)Where stories live. Discover now