Convos with wifey

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Paris:I'm so ready for my sex change ..

Chanele: why are u trying to kill my soul.

Paris:Lmao really kill your soul.

Chanele: yes your already bomb ass fuck now ur gonna have big tits and and a vagina built from the gods.

Paris : omg I can not take u serious right now😩😭😂

Chanele: I'm so serious but how does Sonny feel about it ?

Paris: he was like now I get the best of both worlds how big are you gonna get them Titties.

Chanele: yup that sounds like some shit he would say.

Paris: I'm at least letting my body heal for 3 months I told him 2 but I know he would die if I told him 3.

Chanele: I know he gonna put in work before and after u heal up.

Paris : hell yeah he always doing some new shit his phone history is full of porn.

Chanele: lord I know to much about yalls sexual life.

Paris: He is a handful but it never gets boring with him.

Chanele: it's always the antisocial people who are so interesting.

Paris : so is my brother putting in work I say stuffing my mouth with gummy worms.

Chanele: hell yeah he put it down 🙌🏽

Paris: blah ion know why i even brought it up. But I was thinking bout getting my nipples pierced but I think I should wait till after the boob Job.

Chanele: yeah you should wait.

Paris : see this is why I just wanna go get everything done now I hate waiting.

Chanele: spoiled ass lol then why did u set up 4 months from now.

Paris: Cause of Christmas break.

Chanele: So you wanna spend your first Christmas with me Sonny your dad and brother laying in bed healing.

Paris: I wasn't expecting to meet u two and find out I have a brother an dad.

Chanele: I'm sure you could reschedule it.

Paris: yeah I'm gonna reschedule it for next month.

Chanele : it's gonna be so different seeing you with boobs.

Paris: it's so annoying having to tuck every time I wanna wear something tight.

Chanele: u wear tight clothes 99% of the time.

Paris: I'm obsessed with my booty it looks good asf in tight clothes.

Chanele : it looks good in anything u wear even nude.

Paris: you only saw it nude cause I was twerking in my towel after my shower an u and Anthony walked in.

Chanele: omg I will never forget that day that shit was bouncing and everything Anthony was bout to whoop your ass.

Paris: he wasn't bout to do shit no one told y'all to just walk in.

Chanele: we thought u where taking your daily shit.

Paris: still why would u wanna walk in ...

Chanele : it's not like your shit stinks unlike Sonny.

Paris: speaking of Sonny....

Chanele : ya ?

Paris : I feel like I'm holding him back from having kids one day...

Chanele: I mean if he's not complaining then don't worry your self over it he knew what he was getting into when he got serious with you and said he loves you.

Paris : true but still gets to me I don't wanna rob him of that.

Chanele : I get where your coming from but u can't worry bout the future like that everything happens for a reason.

Paris : ugh I guess😕

Chanele: don't stress it when that time comes you two will figure something out.

Paris: ion wanna waist time being with someone then he ends up wanting a kid then I gotta start all over with someone new.

Chanele: I doubt Sonny will leave u over that he's sprung hard over you.

Paris : honestly I don't know if he's really okay with me doing it.

Chanele: why you say that ?

Paris : cause you Anthony and my dad asked me a lot of questions about it all Sonny didn't really ask about it just joked about it.

Chanele: hmmm ion really know u do got a point.

Paris : to be real Idc like I been waiting for this for so long I'm not bout to stress myself over this.

Chanele : yeah if he flake out on you always got me your bro and mom.

Paris : honestly I feel like we been drifting since he started working.

Chanele : well if you do keep drifting just worry bout school and healing up after your surgery. Cause it's not good for your health stressing or worrying.

Paris : ugh ion wanna lose what we built at the same time but your right.

Chanele: I got you at the end of the day we clicked since day one.

Paris: lol my first love ...that just made me seem so bi saying that.

Chanele : I know your strictly dickly by the way Sonny makes u moan.

Paris: we are so weird like what people do u know sits at home talking bout sex changes and guys on a Friday night.

Chanele: We are far from weird there's old pervs probably stalking are photos as we speak.

Paris : we really have no life we used to go out to parties go shopping now we just carter to are niggas. But I honestly don't really wanna go out till after the sex change.

Chanele: go out with a bang like when u first moved here u walked in with a big dramatic strut.

Paris: lmao please explain this big dramatic walk thru I did.

Chanele : it was a beautiful shitty day in Texas city. The doors swing open In walks in this goddess sent from above. Everyone dramatically stops from what there doing and turns. Here comes this big booty goddess strutting into the crowd not cracking a smile. Stops bends down flipping this big curly main up with a flick of the wrist of a diamond gold watch shinning like a star worth more then my collage fund.

Paris: okay okay I get it😩😭😂

Chanele: it's not nice to interrupt someone's story.

Paris: to much detail boo boo.

Chanele : ugh well basically you got a bad bitch walk thru.

Paris: wtf does that mean.

Chanele : when you walk in everyone stops and watches u strut in with that booty just moving left cheek right cheek.

Paris: do I really strut everytime I walk?!

Chanele: honestly you do an ur booty jiggles 24/7.

-Quick update before the big change - (bxb )trans)Where stories live. Discover now