Chapter Seven

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"here we go again with the same ol shit right ? I  know you're tired of me, but I'm trying. Just don't give up on me ... Please"

For the past two weeks Tyga has been popping up just about everywhere I go. The mall, restaurants, even the library. Anybody else would call it stalking, but I knew this was Meka's doing. I acted as if it was bothering me , but in actuality it made me feel giddy. No one had ever did this to try and get my attention and the fact that he is, it makes me feel.. Ion know good, confident.

Right about now I was at the park running around the track, trying to relieve some stress. Lately I haven't been getting any sleep, so my attitude has been on twelve.

My nightmares have strictly been focusing on the last time my father did what he did to me. Honestly the last time was the worse. It was like he just knew it might've been his last, so it was horrible for me. When I woke up I could still feel his heavy sweaty body on top of my small fragile one. I could still feel his hot beer smelling breath againist my neck, and even now I still cringed just like I did when it first happen, just like I did every time it happened.

I couldn't help the image of me crying as he grunted with every thurst pop up in my head. In my mind I had prayed for God to save me, for my mom to come home, even for my uncle to magically pop up and stop it. Of course my dad still claimed it was a game, but deep down I knew it was no such thing.

The blew my hair pulling me out of my thought. The music that played in my ear made me feel at peace. The atmosphere was extremely calm, and that was more than I could ask for right about now. As the next song started to play, I felt as if someone was behind me. Oh Lord, here we go.

I turned around to see the one and only. I stopped and took of my earphones .

With my hands on my hip I asked "what do you want now?"

"why the attitude ma?" He asked approaching me fully. I rolled my eyes.

"hm, i don't know maybe because this is your third time magically appearing where i am."

"Naah, ion think that's what's wrong with you."

"Oh really? Well don't be rude. Please do tell. What is wrong with me tiger?"

"Well Judging by yo stank ass attitude you need some ack right in yo life. Maybe so good ass dick will loosen you up a bit."

"You know what? Fuck you!" I said beyond livid. Who does he think he is? Telling me I need some fucking dick. I could get dick if I wanted dick. Fucking asshole. Fucking Sexy asshole. I turned around to continue what I was I doing.

As I came close to the parking lot I decided that I would end my runnign session, since it was ruined. As I appoarched my car I saw him leaning against the hood. I scoffed and pretended like he wasn't there, making my way to the driver side.

He grabbed my arm making me turn back around.

"What the Fuck is your problem? Huh? Did you not understand what the Fuck I said when I Fuck you. I tried to enjoy this peaceful ass environment, but I couldn't do that. Now I'm tryna go home but I can't do that either cause simple minded motherfuckers wanna Fuck with me. Gahdamn." I said slightly yelling. I looked at him as he clinched his jaw. I could tell he was mad, but I could care less.

He slowly made his way closer to me, and like any other person would I started to back up. My back touched my car door and gasped. He smirked knowing he had me exactly where he wanted me. His face was so close to mind I could feel him breathing.

"Listen to me and listen closely. I don't know who you thought you was talking to me like that, but you will not talk to me that way again. Do you hear me?" He said sternly. The look in his eyes told me he was not playing, but Ian give a fuck.

"Ian one of these hoes-"

"Give me your keys." He said clamly but I knew he was anything but that.

"Give me your damn keys La'Kiyah." I huffed and gave it to him. He unlocked my doors and told me to get in the back. I looked at him as if he was stupid ash. I opened my mouth to give him a piece of my mind, but quickly changed my mind when I saw the tip of his nose and ear get red. I quickly got in the back. After a while he followed.

"What the Fuck is wrong with you? Huh? Like Damn. Do you ever give tf up. And who you thought you was talking to? Talking to me like I was one of yo hoes. Then you interrupt m-"  I stopped when I felt his hands slip in my pants.

"Boy if you ont get yo fuck-" His fingers moved around and I was forced to stop talking. i wanted to say something, but i honestly don't think words would've came out. I tried to move his hands, but that made him go faster.

"S-stop" I tried to say but the words could barely be interrupted.

My breath quicken and my head fell back. The grip my hand had around his arm tighten. I tried my best not to moan, but he was working miracles. He leaned up and kissed my neck, he even bit it. His finger went fasters as I started to shake. He curved his fingers upward hitting my g-spot and right when I was about to unravel he stopped.

"Dinner Saturday, be ready at nine." Were the only words he said as got up and exited my car. Leaving me shocked, breathless, hot, and bothered.


Sooo , Ik I've been slacking majorly. Buuut, I'm sorry. This is just a lu filter. I was thinking about adding the dinner part in this chapter, but decided against it. The next chapter I want it to just be focused on their dinner.

Please excuse any errors . I know I may have some . So i hope you guys enjoyed..until next time.

V o t e ,

C o m m e n t ,

& A d d . ( if you haven't already . )

- obeyme_always_xoxo_

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