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A word cannot truly define humanity and all it's worth. It cannot create a universe, a picture of perfect design without it being in the most literal sense, vague.

However when one strings together words like beads and collates them on the paper, on the string, then one has an infinite number of patterns, designs, and colors to choose from.

Will you choose the red bead or the yellow, striped one? So many variations and ideas put together it is impossible for life, for nature to witness the same event twice.

Unless it has been deliberately ridiculed and copied, however this is plagiarism and is illegal. Wonderment at the universe at large is common, but what we really should be celebrating is the skill and creativity of the Gods who have created universes for themselves because they found their current one unsatisfactory,

I am not saying our universe should not be celebrated. Indeed the workmanship and art in it would not exist without it's blank canvas world. All these words many seem pretentious to you, or I do not know, you could value words. That is the trouble I do not know.

Well that was random.

Don't even ask what the above was about. I had just finished watching 'The Breakfast Club' for the first time, and somewhere in my tired 'Oh-My-God-Emily-It's-1:30- Go -To-Sleep' brain I thought I'd write down whatever words came into my head.

Should I be worried, if these were the first words that came to mind?


Reading it back, it really is like I vomited up a dictionary, an encyclopedia, and the entire works of Shakespeare.

Currently I'm in Gatwick airport's Costa awaiting my Caramel Latte.

"Why are you in Gatwick Airport's Costa?" I here your confused voice say.

Well, my dear readers (all two of you), I am about to board the flight to Spain.

Now , I hate airports, for many reasons and I have condensed them into a handy-dandy list of pure, sweltering hatred. Enjoy.

1) Getting there insanely early for no apparent reason. So this morning I had to get up at 7:30 in the holidays. That should not be allowed. And then when we arrive I discover, not only that we have to wait nearly three hours for the plane to land, but that my Grandparent's aren't even at the airport yet.

2) The Security beeping thing. I don't know why, but it always seem s to beep when I go through. My mum and I reckon the beeper is completely random, so no matter what you do to avoid being fondled, there's nothing you can do.

3) The full body scanners. So because the beeper went off as I went through, I had to use the full body scanner. The full body scanner, to those who don't know, is the scanner which scans through your clothes. It is the most awkward situation ever. My dad, of course, had to make the joke you only have to go through if you're good looking, unaware that I had gone through the full body scanner. My mum, looking mortified, had to explain that I, her 14 year old daughter, had also gone through. Then we realized my Grandfather had also gone through the full body scanner. That was when I had the bizarre thought of an old, perverted, widower in a secret office above us, looking down at my Grandfather and saying 'Ohhh, you look nice.' and making the beeper go off.

4) The fussy shops, where only billionaires shop. After this plane trip, I am completely convinced that the'Rich People' shops should be separate from the normal people shops. Is it fair, that I should have to stare at someone buying the leather jacket I wanted? That sounds really selfish, oh my god.

I have to go now, but I will update you on my trials, later.

As always, see you next time.

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