Chapter 11

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As they set around the table, Scott and Mitch told Avi and Kirstie about the jet skis and the boat that Kevin owned earning a squeal from Kirstie.

"Oh my God, that's gonna be so much fun," she squealed. Avi bit his bottom lip nervously and looked at Kevin.

Kevin smiled at him, "I also got life jackets." Avi chuckled and hung his head embarrassed.

Scott knew that Avi would be embarrassed to be the only one wearing a life jacket, "It would probably be best if all of us wore one."

"Wouldn't bother me," Mitch said with a mouth full of pizza.

"Me either," Kirstie agreed. Both seem to catch on to what Scott was trying to do.

"W-would ya'll wear one too." Avi asked the trio.

"Sure." They said in unison. Avi smiled taking a bite of pizza.

Kevin pulled him into a side hug, kissing him on top of the head, "It'll be fun."

"If you say so," Avi said rolling his eyes.

"Scott, Kirstie and Mitch." Kevin calls their attention, "Have ya'll decided what ya'll want to do about school? Do you want to enroll in a school here or home school? I was just giving you guys time to relax and unwind before you had to get back into the school thing."

Scott speaks first, "I, myself, would like to home school."

"Home school." Kirstie answers.

"Yea, me too." Mitch adds.

"O.K., if that's what you want to do. But don't think this is gonna be party time. There will be homework, that I expect to be done. There will be test, I expect studying. I've looked over your school records and all of you are great students. I expect you to keep that up. Got it?"

"Got it" the trio answers.

Everyone gets changed into their sleep clothes. Kevin goes and grabs several blankets. They all get comfy in the living room and settles done for movie night.

Mitch and Kirstie had picked out "The Hobbit" and the new Jurassic Park movie which surprised their older brothers.

Avi made it thru "The Hobbit and most of the way thru the other movie, when his eyes started getting very heavy.

Kevin noticed his head nodding a couple of times. Kevin smiled watching him. He was really struggling to stay awake. 

Kevin hugged him closer causing Avi to look up at him, "Why don't you go on to sleep." He says brushing his angel's hair back kissing him on the forehead.

Kevin turns and lays down on the couch with his back against the back of the couch. He pulls Avi down in front of him, forming their own little spoon. Within a minute he could hear Avi lightly snoring.

After the movie was over Scott turned off the T.V., he sees Kevin and Avi were both already asleep on the couch covered in a blanket. Kirstie was asleep somewhere in her burrito blanket. He and Mitch just decided to let them all sleep and they too just crashed in the living room.


Sorry for no update yesterday. Busy, busy, busy.

Hope you enjoy.

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**  AMERICA!!  **

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