Chapter 2

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Previously on And So It Goes....


"He's on his way" I said, turning back to the boys. They nodded and sat in the chairs lined along the walls of the waiting room. Soon enough I heard footsteps come into the waiting room and a collective gasp from the boys as my new assistant came into the waiting room.....ZAYN?!?!?!


"Hey guys..." I said awkwardly as my  former band mates stared at me wide eyed and open mouthed. "What are you doing here?" Liam said, said being the first to speak. "Well I left the band  because I felt that I needed to pursue the career that was really my dream career which was being a dental hygienist. I know  that many people are afraid of the dentist and I want to be that person that can keep them calm and comfort them when getting work done or even a cleaning" I said looking down.  "Oh it's okay. we'll still be your best mates. If that's the career you want to follow then do it. We want you to be happy" Niall said pulling me into a hug. The others nodded and followed suit. "Sorry to interrupt, but if you four wouldn't mind then could we start with the cleanings?" Arianna said with a gentle smile.  "Oh right of course. Well Louis you're up first." I said and he nodded as I lead him to the first exam room. "Just have a seat and we'll get started" I said as I started setting up some tools and pulled out a paper bib to put around his neck. As soon as he was settled I put the bib around his neck. "Ready?" I said as I started to lean the chair back. "Yeah it's just weird having one of my best mates cleaning my teeth" Louis said then opened his mouth for me to start the examination.


I opened my mouth as Zayn started to do my cleaning. To be honest I was a bit nervous because I've had this tooth that's been bothering me for the past few weeks and I'm hoping Arianna and now Zayn won't find out. Well I guess I was out of luck because Zayn tapped my bad tooth as I let out and ear piercing scream from the amount of pain I was in. "Sorry mate, but it looks like you have a cavity and a pretty bad one at that. I'm going to take some X-Rays and then send Arianna in since I'm done with the cleaning which by the way you need to stop smoking because it's affecting your overall oral health and yeah I knew you were smoking it's not that hard to tell" Zayn said with a gentle smile, getting out the films to take the X-Rays. "Alright just open as wide as you can....okay good now bite down" Zayn said as he positioned the films in my mouth. As soon as they were in the right position, he left to go press the button that took the pictures of my teeth. Soon I heard the all too familiar click and took that as the go ahead to take the films out of my mouth right after. Shortly after, Zayn came into the room followed by Arianna. Arianna went and sat down at the desk and pulled up my file with my now updated X-Rays. "Louis why don't you come over here and we'll talk" she said, motioning to come and sit at the desk. I got up and sat at the chair opposite her as she turned the desktop monitor around to show  me my X-Rays. "So if you see the dark line right here, this tooth has a very deep cavity that goes down into the roots" she said pointing to the tooth. "So what would you have to do to treat it?" I asked, slightly nervous about what she would say. "The only way for us to save it is to perform a root canal which is a pretty lengthy and sometimes uncomfortable procedure. So what we would do is we'd drill a hole down through the tooth down into the roots, and then we'll use these special wires to clean out the roots. After that I'll put in a special rubber compound to pose as a temporary filling. And then the next appointment..." "wait wait wait, did you just say next appointment?" I asked overwhelmed and scared for the oncoming procedure. "Yes there will be two appointments. What I just told you is all in the first appointment which will be about two hours. Then in the second appointment as I was saying, I'll put in the permanent filling which will go on top of the rubber sealant in the roots and then a crown will be put on you're tooth. The second appointment will be at the most and hour and a half long" Arianna said. .I'm really staring to not like the dentist, now knowing that I have to get my first ever root canal let alone having my first ever cavity. "So do you have any questions?" She asked and I shook my head no. "Then I'll leave you with Zayn to finish your cleaning and then you'll be all done. I'll talk  to Simon about scheduling the appointments for your root canal" She said, getting up from her desk chair and leaving the room.

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