Chapter Four

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I woke up to my phone alarm blaring 'what time is it?' I thought to myself as I looked over to my phone on the bedside table, only to realize that it was 7:00. 'Why in the world am I up this early?' I asked myself, but just then a reminder popped up about my dentist appointment with Arianna and Zayn today for my root canal. To be honest, when she told me about the procedure, it sounded painful. So I'm a little worried about how today will go. I quickly hopped in the shower and got dressed before brushing teeth and heading up the door. Soon after, I arrived at the office and sat down after checking myself in.


I heard the familiar beep of my alarm clock going off for work. I quickly got up and smacked Zayn on his bare chest to wake him up (yup Zayn and Arianna are now a couple). He quickly got up and went into the bathroom to shower, while I picked out my outfit for today. Since I'm head dentist, I wear work clothes and a doctor's coat with a name tag, while my other employees wear either scrubs if they're hygienists or casual clothing if they work behind the desk. Zayn soon came out in some teal blue scrubs and his hair up in his signature man bun. I quickly showered, brushed, and flossed then went downstairs where he made the two of us breakfast. "Don't forget Louis is coming in for his root canal this morning" I told him before taking a bite out of my toast. Zayn nodded before grabbing the keys to our car. soon enough we arrived at the clinic and I saw Louis already waiting so I had Zayn bring him back while I got the tools ready. "Hey Louis, how are you doing?" I asked, walking into the room. He responded with a so-so gesture as I put the tools down on the tray. "Well then let's get started" I said, sitting on my stool.

I started to get nervous as the chair went back further and further. Like who wouldn't be scared of getting a root canal? "Open please" Arianna said, hold a mirror and explorer at my closed lips. I slowly opened, allowing the foreign tools to invade my mouth. "Just making sure we have the right tooth" she said while running the explorer along my teeth. I let out a small yelp as she tapped the bad tooth. "Now let's get started" Arianna said, picking up a syringe.


As soon as Arianna picked up the Novocaine syringe, Louis went white as a ghost. "Louis are you ok?" I asked. "Yeah I'm just not a huge fan of needles" Louis said warily. I walked over to him and patted his hand to reassure him that everything would be fine. "Just relax and everything will be fine" I said to him.


My grip on the armrests of the chair tightened as the needle neared closer to my mouth. I flinched as soon as it pierced the tissue by my sore tooth. "Calm down, I'm almost done" Arianna said, massaging my cheek to get the local anesthetic to work quicker.  Not much later, the needle was finally out of my mouth and a drill was taking it's place. The vibrations of the drill were tolerable, but when the  brushes went in the tooth, I couldn't help but shed a few tears. "Almost done Louis, just have to fill it" Arianna said in a calming, reassuring tone. I took a couple of deep breaths and made it through the rest of the appointment, breathing a sigh of relief when I felt the chair raise. I paid for the procedure and went home. 


Now that Louis is done and has left, me and Zayn need to get going. We're giving free cleanings at our local orphanage and secretly looking to maybe adopt a child. It's just something we feel we're ready for. We quickly closed up the clinic until we got back and drove over to the orphanage. Upon arriving there were tons and tons of kids running around and having fun which is good to see. Except for this one boy who looked around 15 years old who looked really upset. I nudged Zayn and pointed over to the boy "why don't you go talk to him and see what's up while I go and set up" I said to him. 


I walked over to the boy that Arianna told me to go talk to and taped him on the shoulder. He jumped and turned around, looking up at me with big eyes. "Hey no need to be afraid, my name is Zayn and I couldn't help but notice that you seemed a little upset. Is everything alright?" I asked. "Well my name is Nathan and I'm 15 years old. I'm okay I guess. I just hate the dentist." He said with fear in his eyes. " Well I can promise you that nothing will hurt. As long as you've tried your best to take care of your teeth, that's all that matters. Neither me or the dentist are going to judge you." I said, laying a comforting hand on his shoulder. "But we should probably get ready to go get your teeth checked since my girlfriend is probably done setting up the office by now" I said leading him to the rest of the group with my arm draped over his shoulders. 


And So It Goes (Sequel to One Direction's Dentist)Where stories live. Discover now