Chapter 10

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Hi !

Calum's POV

The next morning I wake up to the sound of singing. I lights stretch out my limbs and fling  my legs over the side of the bed. I stand up and just stay there for a second listening to the angelic voice. I follow the sound, which leads to the bathroom. I knock on the door and slowly open it.


"Oh my god get out!"

"Princess, I've seen your dick before"

"But that's not why"

"Why then"

"Because I'm doing something"

" are you wanking? Because if you are I could help"

"NO!" He squeaks. I chuckle and open the shower curtain. There sat Luke shaving.... His legs were done  ..... And was now on to something else......

"Why are you .. Um ... Shaving ?" I rub the nape of my neck. His crystal blue eyes stare right at me.

"I shave because in a professional diver"

"I don't think professional divers eat a whole jar of Nutella like you did last night."

"How do I have this six pack then" he asked motioning toward his stomach.

"What six pack?" I chuckle. He mumbled a "shit" and glared at me.

"I did have one before you shoved your dick up my ass and got me pregnant"

"Hey! you loved it" 

"Yeah, i kinda did." He sighed.

"Luke's hurry your ass up ! We are going to be late!" I yell, standing by the front door. Few seconds later he comes running down the stair with skinny jeans on with my nasa top. We climb into the car and I start driving. Today is Luke's first ultrasound. And he is so nervous.

I pull into the car park and shut the car off. I hop out and open Luke's door. Because I'm such a gentleman. We walk in an over to the deck.

"Luke Hemmings?" I ask the receptionist.

"Ah, yes Mrs.Irwin will be with you shortly." She replied. We smiled and sat down. Irwin , Irwin, that sound familiar. Oh my cheese crackers. That's Luke's friends Ashton's last name.

"Princess, by any chance is Ashton's mum a doctor?" I ask stroking his thigh. He thought about it for a second.

"Shit! What if she tells asht-"

"Luke Hemmings" we stood up and walked over.

Luke's POV

Shit ! Why Ashton's mum. If ash finds out he will obviously tell Michael.  And everyone knows Michael can keep a secret. I'm doomed.
I walk into the room with my head down.

" Luke !" A voice exclaims, " what are you here for" I look up to see ash and his mum sitting at a desk.

" um.. I'm here for an ultrasound"


Aw snap ! Filler !

Where are you from?
UK! I'm going to New Jersey/ New York Wednesday, so I should be able to update !

Also I'm writing a new book ' should it be







Or a girl

You choose ! Xx

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