chapter 19

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lukes pov

I am now 8 and 1/2 months pregnant now and my stomach is huge. I can't stand on my own. I can't see my feet. And I'm alway fucking hungry. 

The babies room is now done up. The walls our white with grey horizontal stripes and there are two white cribs, large white changing able witch grey outlines and some other kiddy things.

My devil children have been kicking hard all day, one constantly on my bladder. Making me need to pee all the time.

Thinikng about it i need to go. I slowly stand up and hear water splash the floor. I curse under my breath and search for the glass i knocked over. When i released that there was no glass i visibly paled.

My water just broke.

"oh my god , oh my god , oh my god" i mutter under my breath getting louder each time, searching for my phone. 

Once i find my device i call ash

"Holy shit ash , they are coming" i then groan in pain as i felt a contraction.

"who are?" he yawns

"the fucking babies" i screech

"oh my god  i coming!" he yells and hangs up.

I wait 5 minuets before he comes and opens the door, he grabs the baby bag and helps me to the car. I get in the passenger seat, with help, and we speed to the hospital. Another contraction hits and i cry in pain, rubbing my large bump. My contractions are close together. My babies are really ready.

"hurry up ash" i cry.

"I'm going as quick as i can, we will be there soon." he says squeezing my hand. 

I need to scream so bad but I grit my teeth and nod. When we arrive ash helps me out the car and rushes me straight to in.

"Hello Luke Hemmings here for a c-section now please. We need a stretcher please. His babies are coming. Now" Ash shouts.

A stretcher is brought out and I am played down. Tears roll down my face and i curl up in pain, clutching my stomach.

Suddenly the doors of the hospital burst open and someone is rolled down the hall. The black hair is familiar and the groans ringing a bell.

I gasp.

"Calum" i yell.

The person on the stretcher sits up groaning and it him.

"Luke oh my god  baby , get of me, no! Thats my boyfriend , he's giving birth! Let me go" he shouts smuggling against the doctor.

I am soon rolled away crying, in pain. I hear more shouting and soon a limping figure is by my side.

 "don't worry baby I'm here, I've got you" calum says grabbing my hand. 

'i love you' i mouth. He mouths it back.

i smile crying more.

Soon we are in the operation room and my stomach is numbed.

It took a while but then I heard a cry of a baby. 

"Its a boy, baby, we got a little boy" calum cries kissing my forehead. 7 minuets later more cries are headed.

"a little girl" cal cries again. i get handed my little girl while they stitch me up. I give her my finger and her tiny fist wrapped around it. i smile. I look to Calum and see he has the same smile and teary eyes as me, looking down at are little boy.

"Hunter" i say.


"Hunter Hood" i say.

" I like Hailey for our little girl"

"Hunter and Hailey Hood"


And there it is ! sorry its so bad and the updates so long but i had end of yeah exams and stuff but yeah. there will be an epilogue. 


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