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Chapter 6:

Xaviera's POV:

*5 Days Later.*

It's my last swimming lesson of the week and I'm unable to attend because of my bloody bump. I turn 12 weeks tomorrow and I noticed a bump two days ago but I hoped it was just because it was bloating. Unfortunately, I knew it couldn't be bloating because I never get bloating and I knew for a fact it was a bump when I still had it yesterday. It's not a big bump but it's round and hard. If you saw it, you'd think it was definitely a pregnancy belly and not a fat belly because of its shape. I was going to wear a shirt over it but then I remembered the shirt will stick to it in the water and make it even more obvious. Today's the day that I've to tell my coaches that I can't swim anymore and I'm dreading their reactions. They're going to be so disappointed that their star player is going.

I sigh at my reflection in the mirror. There's my little baby, Hayden's and my bean. I guess now I might start feeling the excitement Alice was talking about because I can see and feel my baby. I place my hand on the curve of my bump and give it a soft rub. I smile to myself but soon feel stupid because the baby probably can't even feel it. Why are you smiling about something that's going to cause so much uproar for you?! You're such a disappointment, Xaviera. I pull my puffy shirt back down over it and leave the room. I have to wear puffy shirts from now on to hide it. Soon, I'll run out of big enough shirts.

Hayden has been out for four days because of a bug he has and he texted me last night saying he's coming in today. I haven't seen him since we kissed at our windows because he didn't want me getting his bug. I'm kind of excited to see him because we're all kissy-kissy with each other. I feel like he likes me back and he'll want to take our situation into a relationship, so I can't wait to kiss him more.

Things with Lane haven't even been awkward at all, we're really good as friends, we've a lot in common and I'm glad he didn't let it be awkward between us. It's hard not to want to kiss Lane too because I still like him so much and sometimes we get close to kissing but stop because we don't want it to ruin our friendship.

School passes quickly and I haven't seen Hayden yet. It's now lunchtime and I keep looking out for him everywhere. I told the girls about what happened after my date and they advised me to do as Ofelia said and stop it before I'm hurt. I don't want to stop it though, that's the problem. I think I want to be with him because he seems like my old Hayden. It would be good for the baby if we were a proper family anyway, so that's another reason I want to.

Halfway through lunch, I see Hayden. A smile lights up on my face instantly but it disappears as soon as I see him make out with the girl beside him. Why did I allow myself to like him again? He's such a player! I knew he was fucking using me! I mean absolutely nothing to him and I never will. Now I'm hurt all over again. He was only being kind to get me to have sex with him again. He pretended not to want to take advantage, so I'd find him sweet. Well, fuck him. I know all his tricks now and I'm not going to fall for them ever again. I'm not even being nice to him anymore; he's getting one word answers from now on. I'm just going to be civil for the baby's sake, if I don't decide on adoption.

After school, I go out to the pool, instead of the changing rooms, like I usually would. Arianna looks at me curiously and I get anxious to tell her.

"Are you okay, Xaviera? Can you not swim today?" she assumes.

"No, I can't and I can't any other day because I'm giving it up," I explain and she stares at me with shock.

"Sweetie, why?" she asks.

"I just don't feel like doing it anymore, I'm really sorry."

"But you're so close to a scholarship; don't you want to at least stick it out for that? You're amazing at swimming, Xaviera, you're the best one of the team and you know it. You can't abandon your team, you're the captain. What's changed your mind? Am I pushing you too hard?" she worries.

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