I completed my task. The girl was home. I pondered leaving them to head back to the city when I saw more uniformly black cars in the distance.
"Sorry, but we've got company," I called over to them.
He picked her up and sat in the passenger seat. "If you want to live, mortal, you should probably loose them," he told me in his equally slick and threatening accent. Damn he was attractive. And oddly familiar. Where had I seen him before?
Luckily, we were pretty deep woods with winding roads and steep cliffs so loosing them a second time wasn't too difficult. I kept with the original plan of finding the cabin despite the new addition. He didn't talk much besides mumbling to himself about people and things I couldn't quite catch.
He made me nervous but I focused on following my gps. One step at a time. At least Hela looked happy.Over an hour later, we pulled into a long gravel drive. I glanced at my passengers but avoided eye contact.
"Well this is the last stop," I said. I exited the vehicle and searched for the key to open the cabin. The man picked it up from under the mat.
"It's always the same," he said. He opened the door. The smell of must overpowered my senses. I coughed.
"We'll have to air it out," I explained.
"We'll require food as well. I expect it ready when I get back. That shouldn't be too hard. Shall it?"
He finally met my eyes as he ordered me about. Time melted away. I forgot all composure.
"No," I stuttered, "I suppose not."
Somehow he seemed to know his effect. He chuckled then walked away into the woods leaving us.
"I hate to tell you this, kid. But your dad is wild cray-cray."
"Oh you have no idea," she giggled.
Tidying up the cabin was more work than I expected but I enjoyed teaching Hela how to clean and cook. The fridge and cupboards were close to bare so I became creative with dinner. Mac and cheese mixed with hot dogs. She thought it was delicious.
Although the hard part would be convincing Mr. Too-cool-for-school to eat it. He didn't strike me as the down to earth casual food critic. But he was still gone so I decided not to worry about him.
After Hela and I ate dinner, I took a closer look at the bedroom situation. There was only a double bed and the couch. I figured we could take the bed leaving the couch to him. But by the time I gathered blankets she was already curled up asleep on the couch before the fireplace. I guess someone would have to take the floor. I checked my watch and decided to wait up for him. Though I had a sneaking suspicion that I knew who he was. It was time to officially meet.
The sun had long set by the time he entered the cabin. He seemed not to notice me but headed for the kitchen table.
"I hate to complain but I am starving," he said waiting to served. He looked at me expectantly. The nerve! While I was generally a mild person, he was beginning to get under my skin.
"Would you, please, step outside with me a minute?" I bit out.
Without pause, he threw his head back and laughed. I glanced at Hela. Thank god she appeared to be a heavy sleeper.
"Very well, pet," he agreed following me outside. "Though I do have to say I've never heard someone speak so candidly to me since my mother. I'm not sure whether I like it."
"You'd better like it as I'm the person who just saved your life."
"And for that I am grateful, pet."
"You're Loki? Right?"
"I am."
"I'm Angel."
"I don't believe I asked nor care, pet. If that is all--"
"No that is not all!"
"Then what?"
"You're a bad person. You destroyed New York. You killed people. And lots of other stuff. Shouldn't you be dead or in-prisoned or something? Did you escape? Is that why they want you?"
"Yes and no," he began then changed his mind, "I don't need to explain myself to a useless strumpet that places herself where she's not wanted."
"Needed. Not wanted. Whether you admit it or not you need me."
His face grew staunch. He flushed red. Yet before Loki could loose his temper, I turned away.
Ignoring him, I made my way inside to fix him a plate. He sat down stoically. To me he looked far away as if pondering something I'd never be able to comprehend.
Placing the reheated bowl of mac and cheese in front of him, I indulged myself.
"Are you alright?"
He snapped his head up. "What?"
"Are you alright? Doing okay? Need to talk?"
He ignored me. Instead he dug into the pasta dish. I took that as a good sign. Perhaps he wasn't a spoiled egotistical child after all. He was cute once you got past that wild cat exterior, well maybe less a cat but rather a tiger or perhaps a sexy black panther.
He caught me staring. "Like what you see?"
I blushed. "You're a bit greasy. There is shower in the bathroom. I can find some soap if you want."
"Are you going to join me?"
"Umm..." And right there I knew why he was dangerous: I wanted him.
"You have such pretty golden hair, pet. Don't you need to clean as well?"
"Loki..." He was kidding, right? I thought he must of bee making fun. Sure I was attractive enough and he looked at me like I was dessert, but he couldn't think I was some sort of slut. I wrote the memo on dressing conservatively.
"There is a certain familiarity about you. Though I recall you neither friend nor foe."
"A few years back, when you were terrorizing New York, we made eye contact for like a second. But otherwise no."
"Quite an impression if you remember it with such clarity."
"The impression of your massive ego hasn't changed."
Loki smirked. He seemed tempted to make a suggestive remark, but thought better of himself surprisingly. Instead he stood and stretched his muscles. I found it difficult to focus on his face as he ended our conversation.
"While I enjoy your company, I do require rest after such an eventful afternoon. Or not rest if you seek to join me. But either way you'll find me in bed. Goodnight pet."
As he made his way to the bedroom, I decided to sleep on the floor. There was no way that I was getting further involved in with that psychopath, even if he was being charming. Once a snake always a snake.

Desiring Loki
FanfictionFocus. That's how Angel gets through the daily office grind. And that's how she's going to get through a bizarre turn of events which cause her to join sides with the most dangerous god around. Loki's back in New York and this time his motives seem...