August 17, 2013

Probably one of the worst days I'll ever have at school. Yes everyday sucks ass. But Today just.. i just woke up and it sucks already. For one, I woke up. My "father" yelled at me for sleeping one minute passed my alarm clock. Asshole. I get dragged out of bed by Joe.

"HURRY UP AND GET OUT OF HERE!! YOU'RE LATE AND YOU SMELL ABSOLUTELY HORRID!!!" He shouts at me. This is probably the nicest thing I've heard come from his disgusting mouth.
I quickly take a short shower washing my hair and avoiding the blade that teases me ever so much.
I walk back to my room and change into a pair of leggings and one of my big sweaters. Hiding everything I've ever been through.

Fear. Pain. Worry. That's all that I feel as I walk through the halls of this ginormous school. I make my way to the front office to retrieve my class schedule.

"uhm h-hi I'm new here... may I please have my schedule..?" I ask looking at the principle and down to to my hands.
"Ah yes Miss Harper..." He types my name into his fancy computer and prints out what I am guessing is my schedule. "Here you are my dear" He hands me the cream colored piece of paper and i take it with my shaking hands. I thank him and quickly leave the office as I am now 10 minutes late to my first class. English Literature. I always loved literature.

I walk slowly into the room filled with about 20 other students.

"Hey look it's the new girl."
"She's so ugly"
"What is she even wearing? It's fall not winter"
"She looks so sad. What a weak one"

Great. Not even a full minute into class and everyone hates me. Not surprising at all. The teacher, I don't even bother to listen to her name, tells me to take a seat. Of course, I take the seat at the front. As no one was sitting there making me look like the world's biggest loser.

After somehow surviving English Lit., I make my way over to math. Geometry actually. Now math I'm kind of good at. Not as good as English though. At least I'm 5 minutes early. Which I hope is good.

"Hey look it's that stupid hoe from English!" Some idiot calls as he walks in the room with his posse of boys and the, what seems to be, popular girls. Great I'll never be able to compete with them! They are all skinny, and pretty. And i'm just your usual fat ass bitch.
As I sit once again in the front of the room, I get spit balls and paper airplanes thrown at me. There's a couple people in the back of the room just sitting there looking out the window or at their desk. Almost as if that's impossible. Nobody could EVER care for me. I'm nothing. I'm a total waste of space.

Luckily, today I only had Maths and English. So after Math I make my way to my locker. On the other side of the school. Which means I have to go through a lot of people. Not really looking forward to it. But whatcha gonna do.

As I make my way past the science wing, this girl stops me. I think she was one of the people in math who wasn't harassing me.
"You're Blake right?" She asks kindly.
"Y-yeah. That's me. I- who are you?" Stupid stutter! This is why you don't have friends.
"Oh honey" she hugs me tight. And I hug her back. Not as tight as she is hugging me though. "I saw what they were doing and saying! I'm so sorry love! And oh gosh sorry! My name is Eleanor. My friends all call me El. So call me El." She smiles brightly. And i can't help but give her a small smile in return. Today wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.

"Come on you must be starving!" I didn't even realize I was until she was pulling me out to the parking lot to her car. She unlocks the car and starts to get in and notices that I'm not getting in. "Come on Blake! I'm taking you to Nando's! It's this really amazing restaurant! And I'll introduce you to my friends!" More friends? I can have more than one? That's a thing? Well...I am hungry..just this once.

I open the car door and hop in and El squeals softly and immediately starts the car and heads down the road. Nando's. I've heard of it. Obviously I have never been to one because America sucks dick.

When we arrive at Nando's, I see a large group of teenagers around my age maybe even older at a table. El takes my hand and we walk in and head over to the table. And cue the anxiety and panic. No not here don't have a panic attack.
I just stand staring into nothing. I hear rustling around me. But I can't see. All I see is black. Oh. No no no no. I just had a freaking panic attack.

"Her name's blake?" I hear an unknown voice say. "Blake? Can you hear me? My name is Niall. I'm a good friend of El's. Are you awake love?" Suddenly I take in a deep breathe and my eyes shoot open and I sit up quickly. And i regret doing that greatly. Pain shoots through my stomach and head.

"Okay here here lay down love." Niall I think takes his hoodie off and puts it under my head as a pillow. This boy is nice. "Do you remember what happened?" I look up and him and I just now realize that everyone has left the room. Wait where are we?
"We are in a little lounge room in the restaurant." Fuck I said that out loud. "Yes yes you did."
Fuck. There we go again. Okay.
"I-i think I had a panic attack and passed out."
"Okay I know that. But why were you panicking?"
I close my eyes trying to figure out how to say this. I keep my eyes closed as I tell him a short story.

"I don't have friends or family really so when I see a bunch of people i get scared..." I sit up slowly and look down at my hands. He puts an arm around me and rubs my back.
"I'm your friend. El is your friend. We're here for you. Through thick and thin." He says with a genuine smile on his face. I think I just found a best friend. This day could not get any better.

As soon as I get home from an eventful day, I go up to my room and guess who I see sitting there. I guess my good day is back to being shitty.

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