August 28. My official 2nd day of school. It's only been about 11 days. Not too bad right? I mean Niall said he'd help me. How bad could today be?

I walk through the front door and hug Niall before he goes to his locker and I head down to mine.
Why is everyone crowded around my locker area? I slowly walk over and everyone stands back. Revealing a horrible sight. My classmates put papers all over my locker saying how i was: a stupid ugly whore, a fat ass, a disgrace, stupid, ugly, annoying. And possibly the worst one yet.. You're so stupid your mother let herself be killed to get away from you.
I don't think I have ever cried in front of random people like this besides Niall. I try to run but nobody will let me go.
"Let me out please!" I try to plead but seeing as there's no way I'm getting out, i slide down my locker onto the floor and take out my phone to call Niall.
"Stupid bitch no one can help you!" This girl takes my phone out of my hand and throws it against the wall. I'm glad theres a case on it.
"Jake go get her!" This girl yells. A boy steps forward and smirks down at me.
"So helpless. So naïve. So stupid." He kicks me each word he says about me. My hip never fully healed yet. My ankle however is a lot much better. As I get lost in my thoughts and everything being shouted at me; UGLY! WHORE! BITCH! SLUT! STOP FUCKING NIALL EVERYDAY!! Okay ew no he's basically my brother. I don't do incest.
"Excuse me!? BITCH!" Oh shit I said that out loud.
Jake, I guess, kicks my left hip hard with his leather shoe. I scream in pain and EVERYONE laughs. Niall and El aren't around. I don't have my phone. I'm stuck.
"P-please! S-stop!" I struggle to breathe as I grip my hip in extreme pain. It's only then that everyone clears the hallways. But they all leave me to bleed in pain. Thanks world. But maybe now I will be with my mother. And I'll be safe from this cruel world. Maybe. Just maybe.
An unfamiliar voice takes me away from my terrifying thoughts.
"Love are you okay?" A genuine voice asks me. I can't seem to open my eyes due to this pain nor can I speak for I fear nothing will come out. So I shake my head. "Okay come here." This person gently picks me up and picks up my phone as well. He carries me to the front of the school and soon I feel the cool England air blowing against my face. I burry my head in this strangers chest and he tightens his grip on me. "It'll all be okay. I promise." He sets me down in his car it feels like. He puts his hand on my knee the entire ride to where ever we are going. I have no idea where we are. The pain is still unbearable.

When I do finally open my eyes, the pain is less and I'm in a hospital room? Oh great. Back to where I started. I sit up but immediately regret it as pain shoots through me.

"Shh shh lay back down love." A curly brunet boy rushes to my side and moves the back of the bed up so i can be comfortable.
"Thank you- uh...s-sorry i-i don't even know your n-name..." I look down embarrassed as this stranger took care of me and I have no clue who he is.
"Sorry love. My name is Harry. I'm new to the school. You're blake right?" I nod too tired to answer with words. Harry understands and sits down on a chair next to me.
"That must be really uncomfortable...that chair?" I look at what he has to sit in.
"Actually it's not bad at all. All I really care about right now is how you are doing." He smiles genuinely and I can't help but return it. But quickly frowning.
"Why do you care so much Harry? You don't even know me..." He puts his hand in mine.
"Blake, the minutes I saw you, you look broken... And I lost my sister to a situation like this. And I don't want the same to happen to you." I stare at him in awe. Nobody. Nobody has ever cared this much for me. Not Maura not even Niall. I close my eyes and squeeze his hand tighter.
"Thank you Harry." I whisper. He responds by squeezing my hand and kissing my knuckles.
"Now get some sleep Blake. You have had a very rough day. I will be here when you wake up." He kisses my forehead and I fall asleep in an instant.
Harry's pov

She's just so broken. I really want to help her. My sister, Gemma...our biological father used to beat Gemma. Our mum never knew about it. I did. And there was absolutely nothing I was able to do. She was 18. I was 11.

Our biological father came home drunk one night, as usual. Gemma told me to go upstairs. I went to the top of the stairs just in case there was something I could do. There wasn't.
He took a beer bottle and smashed into her head. He took a knife and slashed her wrist. Causing a deep cut. He punched her and kicked her. She was trying so hard not to scream in pain for me. I called the police. But by the time they got here...she was already gone..
****flashback over

There was absolutely no way I would let Blake get to that. I just feel this need to protect her. She's beyond beautiful. Her scars make her even more beautiful to me. I just can't believe someone as beautiful as her is bullied and has gone through so much in her life. And shes only 16.

Blake's POV

I woke up from my sleep. Harry is still sitting here. Although it looks like he's asleep. His eyes are closed, his breathing is slow and steady, and his head in on the bed. But his face is towards me. Now that I really look at him, he has the most perfect face. His jaw line is very defined. His eyelashes are amazingly draped onto his cheeks. His lips are just the right shape and perfect shade of pink.
I absent mindedly run my fingers through his hair. "You're so beautiful" I whisper to myself.
Suddenly Harry stirs and I quickly pull my hand out of his beautiful curls and pretend to be asleep.

"I know you're awake Blake." He says in this heart melting raspy voice.
I open my eyes as a blush creeps onto my face. "Oh and I'm not the only beautiful one here love." He takes my hand in his and kisses my knuckles, like he always does, and places my hand back in his curls. Immediately my fingers twist at his curls and brush through his hair.
"Mmmm" he hums as I play with his hair.

The doctor walks in and says that I am free to go.
"Ms Harper, you may go home now. But, you must stay away from trouble. If your stitches open up one more time, I don't think we will be able to fix it. So stay safe sweetie." A kind doctor says to me before she hands Harry the release papers and lets us leave.
Harry being the gentleman that he his, takes my hand and helps me off the bed and to his car.
"Where do you live Ms. Harper?" Harry asks in a posh accent. I let out a small giggle and answer him.
"Uhm I-I live with my b-brother Niall.." I give Harry directions and as soon as I step out of the car Niall comes sprinting out the door towards us.
"BLAKE YOU HAD ME WORRIED SICK!!!" He attacks me in a bone crushing hug. I like to think of it as the Horan hug. As both Maura and Niall do it.
I hug my "brother" back.
"Oh Niall this is Harry. Harry, Niall."
"Hello!" Harry and Niall shake hands. I think they will be good friends. "Harry is the one that took me to the hospital." As soon as I said it Niall hugs Harry in an instant.
Harry is surprised at first but then returns the gesture and hugs Niall back tight.
I'm finally starting to feel my life piece back together. Slowly, but it will take some time.

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