Hello! Sorry it's been ages! School started and I've had so much things going on but we had a day off today. And I had a good idea.
So this chapter has some dark words parts in. If you don't feel comfortable with abuse warning for the end of this chapter. Love you all!
- L xx


He took me to a beach. Not just any beach. A beach with a nice round table with 2 chairs, rose pedals all around it in the sand, with candles lighting the atmosphere.
"H-harry did you do all of this?" I slowly turn around to face him intertwining our fingers

"Yes. All for you. My beautiful, amazing girlfriend." He kisses my hand and leads me to the table. I sit down and he pushes my chair in for me.
Niall walks out in a tuxedo with 2 trays of food.
"Your food lovebirds" he smiles and places the trays down in front of us. Both filled with delicious smelling spaghetti. "And for the drinks this evening, we have the menu right here."
Niall pulls out 2 pieces of paper. Both have the words 'APPLE JUICE' written in Niall's handwriting.
Harry shakes his head. I giggle at Niall's attempt to be fancy.
"Sorry I couldn't get alcohol. Not 21 yet." He says sheepishly and scratches the back of his neck.

I giggle "Niall its okay! I love apple juice! Bring me 2 glasses!!" I say making him smile wide.

"I'll have one glass thanks Ni!" Harry says and hands Niall the piece of paper along with mine.
Moments later Niall comes back with our drinks.
"Enjoy you two" He winks at me and puts a hand on Harry's shoulder and leaves us alone.

"Thank you so much Harry i-"

"Shut up and eat Blake" he cuts me off with spaghetti dripping out of his mouth. I take advantage of this and pull my phone out and snap a picture of him and open twitter attaching the picture and captioning 'Dinner with my beautiful boyfriend. He's a messy eater ladies watch out @harrystyles #dinnerdate ' i press tweet and shut my phone screen off.
I dig into my plate.
"Oh my god. Who made this?" I savor ever inch I get.

"Niall and Louis made it. Surprising right?"
After we finish our plates, we fall into a peaceful silence. Harry takes my hand and walks me to the edge of the water. He turns to me to face him and wraps his arms around my waste sending sparks everywhere. I instinctively wraps my arms around his neck. He leans down and kisses me. Sparks fly everywhere. Have you ever heard of the feeling when you love someone and every time they touch you just feels like magic. That's what it feels like with Harry.
We both pull away and keep our foreheads together.
"I- i love you Harry" i blurt out and take a step back not expecting myself to say it. I wasn't even thinking. It just slipped out. What if he doesn't love me back? He's not saying anything. He looks so surprised. Oh no maybe I jumped too fast.

"P-please don't leave me" I hug my body tight and look down at my feet.
"I'd never leave you." He puts a loose strand of hair behind my ear. "I love you too Blake." I look up at him smiling.

Harry's POV

She loves me. Wow. I can't believe it. Do I love her? Hell yes I do. I just wasn't expecting her to be the first one to say it. Wow.
She looks up at me with a sparkle in her eye. You only get to see that sparkle every once in a while so when you see it you savor it. She's so beautiful. Her smile can light up the world. And not just the world. My world.

Blake's POV

I sit down on the sand with Harry. His arm wrapped around my waist holding me close to him.
"Yes love?"
"There's something I need to tell you..." I look in his eyes and then shift to the ground. He nods.
"I'm here to listen."
I take a deep breath in and exhale.
"Okay..here goes nothing..." I look up at harry again and then look straight out at the water.
"When I was little, I lived in Florida with my mom and dad. We moved around everywhere. The last place we ended up was California...I was never one to have friends. We moved around so much that I was never able to build relationships with anyone. My mom was my best friend. We had a dog but he died when I was 12. My dad never loved me the way my mom did. He wanted a boy. But he got me. He tried to get me into his sports but i refused. So he never loved me like he should have. When I was 13 my mom became ill. My dad didn't do anything about it. So I had to take her to the hospital. He was always at work or out. So I took care of my mom. Every day when I came home from visiting her at the hospital I would self harm. Everyone at school made fun of me for her being ill. They knew my dad wasn't doing shit...but.. She was a lot better after a few months. I helped her get better. By that point I was 14. Almost 15. My dad came home drunk one night.." Harry holds my hand tightly reminding me that he's there for support. "I was asleep and I heard a loud crash which woke me up. I made my way to the top of the stairs. And there I saw him..Walking towards my limp mother with a knife in his hands. My mother was laid out on the floor struggling to breath already...He rose his hand up and....and i-.. I screamed as he stabbed her. Multiple times. I ran down to them. I tried to pull him away-" i choked on my words. "I could stop him and save her. But he punched me out of the way and I hit the wall hard and blacked out. When I woke up, we were in a new house. I was still on the floor though. And that's when we came here to London. My father, he came home drunk everyday and beat me. For the past year and a half. I've been punched, crushed, burned, whipped, raped, beaten, stabbed, you name it. Once school started, well when I finally decided to enroll myself, it sucked. But then I met Eleanor. And she introduced me to Niall. I spent my first whole day with El. And I met Niall at Nando's. But because I never had friends I didn't know how to act around people so I passed out. And Niall helped me up and took me home. When I got home, my dad beat me up for coming home so late. He threw a beer bottle at me, broke my ankle when I tried to run away from him after I fell down the stairs, and punched me straight in the nose. After that he left and I ran to a park and called Niall. And him and his mom took me in and are taking care of me now..." I finish with tears running down my face. It's only then I look at Harry and he has tears down his too. I think more than I do. He pulls me into a tight hug.
"No one will ever hurt you again. He'll never touch you again. Not while I'm around. I'm never leaving you Blake." I close my eyes and bury my head in his neck and grip him tighter as if my life depends on it.
"Thank you Harry. I love you."

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