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After last night, everything so far has been amazing. Harry asked me on a date for tonight. Apparently it's fancy. So I am out shopping withe the girls right now. The date is at 6.
The girls and I head to my new favorite store. TopShop! It's also El's favorite but today is all about me apparently.

We get to the dress section of TopShop. Unfortunately, we haven't found anything in my style here.
As we start to leave, I spot a super cute pair of shoes. They are black heels. Pretty reasonable price too. Dani snags them out of my hands and runs to pay for them before I Have time to stop her.

After we get my shoes Gillian pulls me and the girls towards a store I have not really been in much. Forever21.
"Can't I just use one of my outfits I have already?" I try to beg to leave. I'm tired and I'm not a shop-aholic like these 3.
"NO!" All three of them say at the same time.
"What we mean is, you must look absolutely more perfect than you already are." Gill says.
"Okay, so I say we all split up and look for three outfits each, and meet back at the fitting rooms in 10 minutes?" Dani suggests to which we all agree. And then we all run off into different corners of the store.
I look all over the section I'm in which consists of darker clothes. Obviously I'm not going to find much here. All I found was a little black dress. I head over to the fitting rooms to wait.
El comes to stand next to me with a red tight dress and matching heels. Gill comes next with a purple tight dress, black heels, black flats, and a pink flowers dress.
Finally, Dani comes up to me with a light blue dress with a belt in the waist. A couple bracelets, and a pair of black heels.
I immediately take all the dresses and shoes and hurry into a fitting room. I try on El's red tight dress first. I'll admit, I look pretty good in it. And thank goodness its long sleeve. But I dont know. I dont really like my curves in this. I walk out to the girls and they all smile wide and not.
"You dont like it?" Gill notices my unsure look in my eyes. I nod.
"Go try on the other one then honey." Dani hurries me back into the room. I rid of the red dress and hang it back up on the hanger. I put on Gill's purple dress without looking at myself in it I walk out.
"no no no no that does not look good." El nods down to me arms and I immediately turn them so the other girls don't see. Only El knows about my self harm. The others think I stopped..
I go back into the room and try on the pink flowy dress. I do like this one a lot. It is very pretty. I hide my arms again and walk out to the girls.
"You look so cute in it!!!" Dani gushes and Gill nods with her. El shrugs remembering.
I half smile and go try on the dress that Dani picked out. A light blue dress. I really did love this one. It suited me. I put it on and noticed that El had picked out a cute cardigan to wear. I shrugged it on and stepped out to the girls.
"YES! THIS IS THE ONE!!" El jumped up and hugged me tight.
"Yes!!!!" Gill was next to hug me.
"I did pretty good!" Dani winks at me and hugs me. "You look beautiful in it." She smiles and i go change into my normal clothes. Which consists of sweatpants and a tank top and plaid shirt.
El pays for my dress once again. Dani pitches in for the heels and cardigan, and Gill pitches in for the bracelets and cute black handbag.

On the drive home, What Makes You Beautiful comes on the radio. We all smirk at each other. Dani, being the driver, turns the volume up loud. El rolls down all the windows and we all start singing at the top of our lungs to the oh so familiar song.
Ironically, we drive by a car full of boys. Our boys. Louis driving, Liam in passenger seat, and Harry and Niall in back. Looks like they're gonna get Harry ready. They look at us with weird stares but we barely notice them as we pass them.

We finally arrive at El's house and the girls pull me up the stairs to her room to get me ready. I slip the dress on and wait to put the cardigan on till it's time to go.
Gill grabs a curler and starts on my hair. Dani works on my make up making sure that it's nothing too drastic, keeping it natural. El paints my nails as I just sit there smiling and laughing with the girls as we play One Direction songs. I mean who wouldn't want to get ready that way?

Finally. All done. I'll admit I really like the way I look right now. Which is kind of a first. I fix up final touches on the way my hair is parted and I hear the doorbell. El literally jumps off her bed.
"I'VE GOT I'VE GOT IT!!!!!" And she sprints out her room and down the stairs and we hear her crash into the door. And then I hear a voice I long to hear forever.
"What the hell were you doing?" 
"Oh Blake was just really excited to see you and go on the date so she made me runs down the stairs but she pushed me into the door and ran back upstairs before i could open it." I can practically HEAR her teasing smirk. That woman will pay later.
He chuckles and I hear his heavy footsteps come up the stairs. Gill and Dani left to go see the other boys once we finished getting ready.
I quickly jump onto the bed and sit staring off into space as the curly headed boy walks in.
"Are you ready, love?" He questions and offers me his hand. I smile and take his large hand in my small one.
"I guess so." We walk down the stairs and I say goodbye to El and thank her.

Harry drives us down the road.
"Haz where are we going?" I question him because he won't tell me.
"Its a surprise love." He smirks at me but keeps his eyes on the road. Such a good boy.
I sigh and sit back in my seat.
"Here wear this" he hands me a bandana.
"On my head? Why? It doesn't match-"
"On your eyes silly!" He laughs and I blush.
"Oh okay." I embarrassedly laugh at my stupidness and put the bandana on my eyes.
Hmmm I should pester him. "Are we there yet?" I ask him a few minutes later.
"Nope not just yet." He smiles.
I wait a  couple minutes.
"What about now?"
"No" he sighs.
"Are we there yet?"
"For christ sake Blake we will get there when we get there!"
"Okay dad geez." I sigh in defeat.
"Are we there now?" I say after a few minutes feeling the car slow.
"Yes. We are finally here." He sighs happily.
"Yay!! Can you let me see now?"
"Nope! Come on." He gets out on his side and I hear my door open and he helps me down and leads me somewhere. I don't know where because I cannot see. But I smell ocean water. Huh. Interesting.

We come to a stop and I fell him take my blindfold off and I gasp at the sight in front of me.

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