Part 5- Waltz

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Part Five- Waltz

"You can sleep on the bed," Carter tells me, handing me a spare shirt of his and I shake my head, wiping tears from my eyes.

"No, that's okay. I like your couch," I smile weakly at him and cuddle the comfy couch cushion up against my chest.

"Are you sure?" He asks and I nod, sniffling a bit. "Are you going to tell me what's wrong?"

I shake my head, more tears welling in my eyes. Our baby, how could he just reject our baby?

"Alright, tell me when you're ready. In the meantime, make yourself at home. I don't have much but what's mine is yours," he gestures grandly around the small studio apartment. It was on top of a bodega/pharmacy/coffee shop and it was cute and cozy. It was kind of man-ish, meaning there was dark walls and furniture. There were also more game consoles and video games than the nearest GameStop.

"Thank you, Carter," I reach over and kiss his cheek, giving him and quick hug. He smiles at me and pulls a blanket over my body, and I cuddle into it.

I had been here all day, since there was no show today.

I wasn't sure I would be able to do a show while pregnant.

Nonetheless, after tomorrow's show I would go to the doctor and get checked out. I needed pre-natal vitamins and a genetic test. Autism ran in my family and I needed to be prepared for anything.

I also needed to get a job, especially if I couldn't dance.

Maybe I could teach dance?

Maybe I could the baby up for adoption? I wasn't sure if I could even take care of a baby.


My mind flashed back to the crumpled wad of cash on the coffee table and I shook my head.

No, I won't do that.

"Valentina?" Carter asked me and I look up. "You just shook your head; I would appreciate it if you could tell me what's going on." He pressed and I pout at him.

"I-I... I don't really want to talk about it," I whimper at him and he sighs, nodding. He turns to walk away and I gab his arm. "Wait... will you stay here?"

"Alright," He sits next to me on the couch, moving my legs so that they're in his lap and we sit in silence, the only noise being the cheesy dialogue from the TV.

"I think I'm pregnant," I whisper quietly, thinking he doesn't hear it but he does. His neck snaps in my direction so fast, it's a wonder he didn't get whiplash.

"You're..." he trails off and I nod, "Well, congrats?"

"Yeah..." I sigh, pulling my knees up to my chest and winding my arms around them.

"What about Kyle?" He asks and I scoff in disgust.

"Handed me money for an abortion," I snort and he grunts, I can feel the immediate anger roll of his body. But he stays still, and stiff.

"And... are you? You know..." he trails off on the taboo topic.

"No." I answer definitely. "Would you... would you hate me if I did?"

"No." He answers back, just as firmly. "I wouldn't blame you. You have the right to choose and to hell with anyone who doesn't respect that. It's your body."

"Thank you," I say to him and he nods.

"Go to the doctor tomorrow, for all you know... maybe you aren't even pregnant." He says, "How many tests did you take anyway?"

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