5 : o l d f r i e n d s

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Mid-bite into a piece of delicious ravioli, I caught sight of someone who I had not expected to see.

"Hey Emily," I said nudging her, although she was in mid-conversation with Hojun about some type of video game she always tried to get me to play.

"Is that Grace?" we blurted out at the same time, while Hojun stared at us weird. Oh well, but a friend you haven't seen in ten years is sure to come as a bit of a shock.

Grace slowly and quite apprehensively turned her head towards us. Maybe we were a tad bit loud. Gasping she jogged - no, sprinted - towards us. Yet it still took her five minutes and she was out of breath, but who am I to judge? I would've been too lazy to walk.

"Guys," she squeaked. "We have to catch up, I know, but I'm on a blind date with Diego!"

I laughed and Emily looked confused - she must have not remembered him.

"Diego? From the cartoons?" Emily asked.

"Actually, no, amigas," Diego said slipping into the booth next to Hojun.

I inhaled. Grace and I didn't exactly like this certain Mexican guy, and the feelings went way back to middle school.

"Oh, Hojun, amigo!" Diego said, doing some complex handshake thing with Hojun.

Wait, what? "You know this guy, Hojun? And why are you on a blind date with Grace?" I say, turning towards Diego.

"We used to play soccer together," Hojun said.

Diego chuckled. "I don't know, but my day certainly got better after I saw you."

Oh my, not the flirting. "On a second thought," Grace pipes up. "Let's talk, Navia!" She pulls me out of the booth.

I don't worry about Emily: she's good in these situations. I think she'd prefer to be left alone with the guys anyways.

"It's been so long!" I say.

Grace nods. "I was going to move to Cali and all, but then life happened and here I am."

"Oh. But you're on a date with Diego? How'd that happen?" I ask confused.

"It was a stupid blind date that Skylar forced me into!" Grace whines. "I wanted to run away the second I saw him."

I nod understandingly. "Poor Grace. Anyways, do you have a place to stay for the night?"

"Yeah, I have an apartment."

"Navia? Grace? Come on you guys talk to long!" Diego says, interrupting our conversation. "Grace, you can't possibly hog Navia for the whole night. ¿Verdad?"

Oh boy, this was going to be a long night.

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