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Joe you're choking me she laughed. I knew she forgave Joe already, but forgiving me wouldn't be that easy for her. She and Joe were close but not as close as me and Miley. I finally let go of my fear and looked at her. She was smiling. The same pretty smile. But woah! She changed a lot. Her legs went on forever and her oceanic blue eyes were sparkling with happiness. How could I be such a fool to cheat on her. Whatever I am today is only because of her. She forced me into this and look, I'm successful. I really regret doing everything I did earlier.
You've changed a lot Mi I heard Joe say as soon as he let go of her.
You did too Joey she smiled you look hot Miley laughed and somehow I found myself clenching my fists. But why should I bother? I don't love her anyway.
Joe moved towards Demi who was smiling at him and he wrapped her into a hug. She was shocked for a few seconds but then she gave in. When they broke the hug, I could see Joe's cheeks turn red. Looks like he's falling for someone again.
I knew it was my turn now. I had to do this. I took a deep breath and walked towards Miley. She was looking at Joe and Demi, no wonder she did not see me coming. I was standing right in front of her, when she turned towards me. For a moment I was lost in her eyes. Those eyes were as deep as an ocean. I knew it was awkward for her too. I could clearly feel the tension between us. But to my surprise, she smiled at me and I returned it even without a second thought. Long time, I finally spoke up as she nodded. Yeah! Really long. She replied with the same smile. I knew she was smiling genuinely. It wasn't a fake smile, I could feel it. I decided to leave the conversation here to avoid the awkwardness between us. I moved towards Demi and greeted her with a hug which she returned.  I broke the hug and stood beside Joe, waiting for Liam to introduce himself to the ladies. He first moved toward Demi as gave her a small handshake saying his name. He then walked towards Miley, but something seemed different about him. He was nervous. Liam Hemsworth was nervous. He moved towards Miley who smiled at him just the way she smiled at me. They looked at each other for nearly half a minute. I could feel my blood boiling, but why? They dint know each other anyway.
So we meet again? I heard Liam laugh. What? They already knew each other.
Well looks like it FeFe. Miley replied.
She even has a nick name for him? What the fuck is happening?
You know each other already? Joe asked them and for the first time in my life I was happy my brother opened his mouth.
Know? Miley yelled excitedly as she shook her head. he's my best friend she yelled as she pulled him into a side hug and smacked Liam on his head.
Ow! I told you a million times not to do that. Liam laughed as he rubbed his head. I know I'm not supposed to feel jealous but sadly I do. I've gotta be happy for Liam, after all he's my best friend plus they're just friends. No worries.

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