“ok so this scans show that this little grey area is the cancer. it is quiet small and can be removed by surgery. your blood test show that the cancer has not speed into your blood stream, which is a very good sign.”
“I'm sorry. are you telling me that this could go into my blood and... would thats spread all over my body?”
“yes it could, if we leave it too long” i took another deep breath. “i recommend that you have surgery to remove most of the cancer, than you will start with chemotherapy and you will have chemo every 2-3 weeks.” she told me more about it and i just nodded and i didn't say much. after she explained every thing i made my appointment for an examination for the surgery. i drove home in complete silence. i didn't turn the radio on, i didn't rage at the guy who almost crashed into me. i didn't show any emotion until i got to the front door. i was about to knock on the door but i hesitated. then the door swung open. “hey where did you get up to?” i smiled
“i just went back to the doctors. they got my results back” i walked down the hall into the lounge room and sat with the twins. “and...?”
“i found out that um...” i looked up at luke. he looked worried.
“what?” i slowly looked back down at the twins and said
“I'm fine. nothings wrongs with me”
“why did you hesitate?”
“because i freaked myself out. i thought i was going to get bad news but i didn't and i felt stupid for getting worrying over nothing”
“babe I'm proud that you are worried about you health. it means you care” he sat next to me and kissed me on the check. “ok i have to go to work now. see you this afternoon”
“ok” he gave me another kiss. this time on the lips, than he kissed the twins on the forehead before leaving. as soon as the door closed i bursted out crying.