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NSFW-O-METER: ✗✗✗ (3/10 )

Your eyes were wide. You could feel the hairs on the back of your neck stand on end, goosebumps arising. You swore that this was what the face of death looked like.

The room was dark, and the Master's features had been cast in shadows. However, up close, you could make out every little detail of his face. You would have been too distracted with the moment to examine such a thing, but examining it was actually what kept you from possibly wetting yourself right then. And the last thing you needed was for him to get pissed off with you for pissing yourself.

You noticed the glint of the flame in his eye, the way the violet and warm orange mixed and reflected to give his gaze a glassy shine. He seemed so surreal, as if such a creature were only spoken of in the tales of lore you had grown to love. His face was drawn long and his cheekbones high, his jaw strong and angular with neatly groomed facial hair that was fine and trimmed short. Two violet-colored fins splayed wide and proud, his eyes pulled into narrow slits, threatening to steal your very soul straight from your core with their icy grip.

Two long scars divided his grey skin; one traced an unsteady line from his brow and across the center of his left eye, cutting through his cheek and into the corner of his lip. The second was carved across the center, from one far side of his cheeks to the other, crossing the bridge of his nose. His hair was a sea-tossed mess, combed back and around his horns with careful precision. Small strands hung in his face, disheveled from the rest. He was frightening. He was beautiful.

And then his eyes. His eyes, with the reflection of the candle light dancing in them, were noticeably different. You questioned as to how you couldn't have noticed it before; his right was a deep violet, alive and filled with the same terrifying gaze that struck you with such fear and horror. But the left.... It was glazed over, white and foggy from the damage that had been dealt to it. The scar... It ran right over it. As much as it should have reminded you of how dangerous this creature was, it led your mind to other places. It was a curious thing. Could he see from it? Was he blind in that eye?

Your thoughts were rudely interrupted when the seadweller was all at once upon you. He was everywhere without so much as a warning - invading your mind and consuming your body, his lips at your neck and his hands at your waist. You found yourself staring at the ceiling with wide eyes, an unwelcomed gasp being pulled through your lungs both at his actions and the surprisingly cold touch. His skin was almost icy, his temperature an uncomfortingly low chill that reminded you too much of what had urged through your spine so many times.

To keep your mind from roaming to horrifying images, you tried to focus on something else. Something that wasn't here and now. Something that wasn't him. But he wouldn't leave you alone. Your brain could only think of him; how rough the scarring over his lips was, how soft his kisses seemed, how his weight was almost bearing down on you with his legs on either side of yours. You were trapped under the blanket from your hips down. You felt like you couldn't breathe.

And then there were his hands again. They were dancing along your sides, light in their touches as they traveled up your body, and they breathed life back into your lungs, which shuddered with an unsteady breath. His fingers remained over your clothing, though he felt along your ribcage, as though examining your build without looking at you. When his hands reached your shoulders, you were frozen in place, eyes fixed on the world above you until that frigid touch was on your neck.

Suddenly, your world was moving. It was so surreal, and you didn't want to believe this was happening as your body was pulled up. Your head lolled and his teeth were at your skin, his breath steady and sure as it reminded you that you were in the claws of the beast. You were unsure, but you swore you felt his lips curl into a smile, and that yanked you right back into the fear of the situation. Your lips trembled, your mouth hung open. Your heart was in your throat and in your ears, beating loud and strong and heavy. You couldn't hear anything else, and he was all that you felt.

And then you did hear something else. A sharp, intruding noise that jolted you from your trance. You hadn't realized how limp you'd been hanging in his arms, how open and vulnerable you had left yourself for him. Your hands were suddenly at his shoulders in your shock, clinging and clawing and it drew a rouse from him that left you breathless and gasping in shock on the bed after he'd thrown you down. As his body removed itself from over you, you felt as though he took your very soul with him, and it left you choking in his wake.

A weight was lifted from the bed as he stood, and you sat up again, watching him disappear into the shadows as though he'd never stepped close to you at all. It wasn't until the bedroom door was flung open did your busy mind register just what that noise had been. Knocking.


It was his voice that cut your thoughts short again.

"What do ya want, lass?"

He sounded irritated, a tone that was always followed by swift punishment. But it didn't come, and you found yourself staring at his back as the light from the hallway chased away the shadows. You couldn't see the visitor past his towering figure, but he didn't seem to be too intent on harming whoever it was.

"Now don't take that tone with me," a woman's voice eased, unaffected by his threatening form, "You know I always come here at this time. Am I, perhaps, interrupting something?"

You recognized that voice. It was always so calm and motherly. But... What was she doing here?

Dangerous Waters {Dualscar x Slave Reader}Where stories live. Discover now