==> Reader: Help In The Kitchen

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==> Reader: Help In The Kitchen

"Have you seen the Master tonight?" you inquire as you trot into the kitchen. You tended to enjoy this place during times when a meal was being prepare because of all the delicious scents that wafted around the room. Of course, at the moment it just smelled like cleaner, and that was a smell you could live without.

Scrubbing down one of the counters was an older troll, one who had seen some great and some horrible things throughout her life. She aged well though, and still managed to keep a youthful appearance even though at times she seemed as worn out as an old ragdoll. Not pausing in her cleaning, she replied simply with, "I have not. And I'd like to keep it that way."

A lot of the servants within the castle didn't like him and often shied away from areas they knew him to be in. That is, of course, unless he calls for their assistance.

You step carefully across the glossy tiled floor to stand next to the tall woman, watching her with interested eyes. "Perhaps he is still resting."

"Perhaps," she answered shortly. That was strange for her. Usually she loved to talk to you, telling you stories of her past while you both worked in the kitchen. But today she must have been a bit too tired or worried. She seemed rushed but thorough in her movements as her hands scrubbed the counter with a dirtied white rag.

You think about asking her what's on her mind, but decide against it since you're not too sure you want to find out. Instead, you offer your assistance. "Do you need help with anything?"

The jadeblood slows her movements a second and actually looks at you, eyes tired with age and lack of rest. "Not at the moment, dear. I think I can handle it myself." She offers you a worn smile, and you can only reply with a worried look. She lets out a soft sigh and stands up straight from her bent over position. "I'm alright, honest." She reached up and ran a gentle hand through your hair, smoothing it into a proper position again since it must have gotten messed up. "Why don't you go see if Rufioh requires your assistance?"

"Rufioh?" you echo, "Isn't he the one that manages the stables?" You're answered with a nod from the jadeblood. You bit your lip. Your knowledge on Alternian creatures was slim to none. "How could I possibly help him?"

"That's what you'll have to figure out, now isn't it, dear?" The woman turned and continued her scrubbing of the counter. "He should be out there by now, but if I were you then I would hurry. He tends to work rather quickly."

You fell silent for a moment, watching her work before you took a deep breath. "Alright," you hummed, pressing your lips into a firm line. "If you end up needing my help, come and find me."

"Alright, dear."

You blink, watching for only a few seconds more before turning and leaving the kitchen. Next stop: the stables.

Dangerous Waters {Dualscar x Slave Reader}Where stories live. Discover now