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You feared what was to come next, but the only reaction that was drawn from the Master was a long, frustrated sigh that caused his shoulders to sag. A rush of confusion and curiosity flooded your system as your brows furrowed slightly. As far as you understood, this was unusual for him. You leaned forward, hands slightly gripping the sheets as you strained to listen to their quiet voices.

"Now isn't a good time, Rosa," the violetblood spoke, his voice soft and surprisingly much more gentle than it had been moments ago. His figure relaxed slightly as he leaned on the door frame. You couldn't see his expression, due to him being faced away, but you figured it was not the condescending one he had looked at you with.

"Hush," the other troll hummed, her round face slowly peaking around the seadweller to spot you on his bed. "Oh, hello, dear," she greeted, not seeming all too surprised to see you there. You were unsure if that was a good or a bad thing, but for now, you were simply happy to see her friendly face.

The Master went to deny her entrance again, but she simply pushed past him and let herself into the roof, making the large, intimidating man scoff. "I'm rather busy at the moment," he hissed under his breath, but the small woman heard none of it, and it seemed to frustrated him further.

"As I can see," the Dolorosa mused, her painted black lips upturning in a soft smile as she walked towards you. "Poor dear," she muttered, her hand going to pet your hair again. You made a soft face, the immediate fear melting away as her presence always seemed to calm you. However, that feeling was interrupted by the sudden shadow that was behind her.

Your gaze lifted slowly, moving up the broad chest of the Master until you laid eyes on his face once more. You blinked, only vaguely aware of the heat that flushed over your face. The door had been closed again and both of the trolls' features were cast only in the flickering flame on the bedside table once again. You looked back down to the jadeblood, looking for a hint of fear or discomfort at the man standing so close to her. Instead, you found the same polite smile as was always written across her soft face.

She was such a pleasant little woman, looking youthful even in her old sweeps. She was only as tall as the Master's chest, her horns reaching just to his shoulder. She was plump, her figure holding her chubbiness rather well. It was clear that she had been quite a looker in her younger years, and even now her beauty did not escape her. Her eyes were a calm and yet brilliant jade, and the way she looked at you brought your mind ease and made your body relax despite the danger in the room. She was dressed in usual servant attire, except she adorned a lengthy skirt instead of pants, adding to her naturally graceful features.

Her hair was raven colored and flicked up in wisps around her head, her face accented with a slight bit of makeup that she had improvised for herself since the Master did not supply her with such things. "Apologies for interrupting," she spoke again, giving you a reassuring nod as she turned to face the large man. "As for you, why are you lurking around in the dark?"

You watched as the woman sauntered over to the door, flipping a light switch, which flooded the room with light. Both you and the violetblood flinched at the painfully bright light, and he was suddenly at her side, flipping the switch again to plunge them back into darkness. The two of them exchanged hushed whispers, and you looked curiously in their direction, trying to listen. Even though everything was silent, you still couldn't make out quite what they were saying.

However, this did lead to you noticing other things. Perhaps it was the fear that stopped you from noticing earlier, or maybe it was just your own flightiness in the moment, but seeing him from a distance now... You started to notice, one by one, little flecks of violet. You squinted. What in the...?

Your brows rose at the realization. They were in the shape of scales, and they were specifically located along his cheekbones and down either side of his neck. They were... glowing. You blinked. "Beautiful..." you muttered. Everything fell quiet. You looked up to where the Master's eyes were found, staring.

You swallowed, and the violetblood slowly emerged from the shadows once again. "What did you say?" he inquired, his voice dipped with a hint of poison. His accent rolled from his tongue in thick waves, and his gaze sent you spiraling right back into the dark pit of horror that you often found yourself in now.

The way the atmosphere changed gave you whiplash, and your eyes grew wide the closer he stepped, his eyes narrow and features pulled in irritation with your mumbling. "I asked ye a question," he hissed, lips pulling back over his fangs until he was grabbed by the arm. This proved to take the man off-guard, and he whipped around to face the jadeblood. "What?" he snapped.

The motherly troll snorted, and you could just barely make out the furrow in her brow as she looked up at him. "Relax, dear," she cooed, attempting to keep her voice calm as you watched her reach for his face.

A sense of panic rushed through your body as her hand made contact with his cheek, and you clenched your jaw, anxious and swimming in fear that she may step out of line and get hurt. But he didn't rear back. He didn't strike her. It was your turn to furrow your eyebrows. Confusion.

"You shouldn't focus on them right now," she continued, taking his hand in her free one and slowly leading him to sit at the foot of the bed. She stroked his face with a gentle touch, her eyes as calm as ever. She wasn't scared of him.

The normally frightening man grumbled in response. His composure shifted, and he seemed a lot less terrifying all of a sudden as he seemed to pout like someone much, much younger than him.

"I know, dear," she hummed, seeming to almost coddle him in her movements and the way she spoke so calmly. "I know. Your life is hard and no one understands, but I'm here now." Her hand moved from his cheek to brush a few stray strands of hair out of his face. "You don't have to worry, I'm here."

The more she spoke, the further he appeared to relax, his shoulders sagging and his tense face melting into a much calmer expression. He looked down, taking a deep breath as she seemed to have the same affect on him as she did on most everyone else.

It seemed like no one could reject a mother's love.

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