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Being coddled was such a warm and pleasant feeling. To be held, cooed at, consoled, and at the focus of someone's attention... To be coddled gave people the same nostalgic feeling of being young again, like a baby cradled to its mother's chest, safe and happy. At least, that's what it reminded you of: being a kid without a care in the world and a viewpoint so innocent that it could put hopbeasts to shame. However, the feeling was completely different when looking from the outside. From an outside perspective, it was simply cute – sometimes, it was disgusting. Occasionally, it made you want to 'aww'. You weren't sure where this moment fit.

You supposed, if you had to place it, it would fit somewhere between cute and uncomfortable.

Moments ago, you had been faced with the Master in his fullest, most frightening state (or at least the most terrifying state you've had the pleasure of witnessing). Now, you were seeing him pouting before the jadeblooded servant, taken down from his high-and-mighty air of superiority. It was so... odd. Strange, to say the very least.

You were unsure if the thought brought you comfort or if it simply unsettled you further.

"Now," the Dolorosa's voice drew you from your thoughts, "I assume you will be alright enough for me to start lunch?" There was a hint of teasing in her voice.

Lunch? How long had you been out? How long had your chores taken earlier? You put a hand on your head, when a thought hit you. Was she going to leave you alone with him again?? What was going to happen once she left? Fear flashed across your mind.

The violetblood scoffed. "I'm not a wriggler, woman."

The Dolorosa's painted lips turned up in an amused smile. Anxiety tugged at the back of your mind. She seemed so... casual around him. How? Your thoughts traveled back to all the times the Master had snapped, yelled, or even just looked displeased. Every time, the servants around him would shy away, flinch, and scurry to satisfy his every whim - even the jadeblood. Where was that fear now?

"I never claimed that you were," she coos, a nurturing, kind tone that's followed by her delicate fingers brushing the loose strands of black and violet from the Master's face.

His lips upturn into a sneer, but his violent urge seems to subside fairly quickly under the gaze of those calm, kind eyes. He looks down, seemingly pouting once again, though this time with irritated undertones. You take this moment to study his figure – not the fine details of his face, but his posture and build.

His shoulders have slouched from their previously regal form, but his spine still remains stiff and upright. From what you can tell through the loose black shirt, his body is nothing to be joked about. His shoulders are broad, his chest just as well, pulling the shirt a little tighter. The rest was hidden.

"I require their assistance."

You blink, coming back to the situation once more to find the two trolls eyeing you. The Dolorosa's gaze was reassuring, patient. The Master's were cold, contemplating. You swallowed thickly, though your mouth was dry. The silence that followed was suffocating, and it seemed to stretch like that for hours. In reality, only mere seconds past.

"You may retrieve them again afterwards, if you're so inclined," the jade continued.

The Master snorted, but turned his attention away. You let out a breath you hadn't realized you'd been holding. "Fine," he conceded, "Take them." With that, he waved a hand in dismissal, his many rings reflecting the dim candlelight.

The Dolorosa replied with a curt nod before moving closer to you. Her hands were considerably warmer than his when she reached for your hand, though her skin still proved cool. She helped you from the bed, and you found your legs much less willing to hold your weight than you'd hoped. You stumbled, but found that the jadeblood was right there to hold you up. You turned a thankful smile to her, and she replied in kind.

Once you were both back in the hall, the Dolorosa let out a weary sigh. You gave her an inquiring look. She seemed to take the hint of your curiosity, because she supplied you with "He truly is so tiring."

You couldn't help the amused smile that formed on your lips, moving easier now so she didn't have to hold you up on the way back down to the kitchen, though you kept your hand in her's. It made you feel like a child again, looking up at your kind and caring mother. Her presence made your jostled nerves calm, and it wasn't until you were both in the kitchen did she finally let go of you.

"Fetch me a pan, will you, dear?"

The smile on your lips widened like an excited kid. "Of course."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2017 ⏰

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