Chapter 1

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"Ariel!!" my bestfriend screams

"Huh? What?" I always tune her out when she starts talking about boys. All it does is remind me of my old relationship. Boys are crap.

"You weren't even listening to me."

"I'm sorry G I just really hate talking about boys." like I really really hate talking about boys.

"Ariel I don't know how many times I have to tell you this we are best friends we're supposed to talk about boys." she says exactly what I knew she was going to say.

Ugh omg sometimes she acts like I did not just go through a bad break up last year.

"No, stop making it seem like its our job to talk about boys Gianna."

"It kind of is El's" she tries to plead her case.


Talking about boys reminds me of him and it makes my skin itch and starts to remind me of how heart broken I was. Going through break ups like that make you feel like you just experienced the great depression.

"Ok whatever but please just listen to me I have something to tell you and it's pretty serious" she begs

"Ok I'm all ears" I smile

"Alright goodie." she takes a deep breath then continues "so you know Chase right? " ughh more boy talk.

I shake my head I don't think I know a Chase but the name sounds familiar.

"Ok well I kind of got a crush on him." she flushes

"ok and?" I ask I know there's more.

"And I need you to do what best friends do when they find out that their best friend has a crush on someone."

"And that is?"

"Investigate dummy find out how he feels about me and all that juicy stuff. " she give me a I should've know that look .

"I don't even know him G I don't like talking to strangers." Talking to strangers make me uncomfortable and uneasy.

"Ariel pleaseeeee." she begs getting on her knees in a begging position. I throw my head back in laughter she must really like this Chase guy.

"Ok fine" I give in.


"Yes Forreals. Do you and this Chase guy even talk?" I ask suddenly becoming a little more curious about this Chase. His name is starting become more familiar. Do I know a Chase?

"Yeah today makes the 3rd week we've been talking."

My best friend is weird who keeps the date of the time they started talking to someone.

"Wow you guys are something serious." I say sarcastically and she pushes me playfully.

"Oh shut up."

"This "Chase" guy better be cute to G." I say putting emphansis on the guys name and she rolls her eyes.

Chase? Chase? Chase? I continue to ask myself. I think I do know a Chase. Not positive though.

"Im dead ass serious G you better not be trying to get me to talk to some animal cracker looking guy for you." I give her my serious face and she throws her head back in uncontrollable laughter.

"El's chill out dude he's cute and his friend is pretty hot too." she smirks and start bumping into me with her shoulder in a playful manner.

I'm not interested in no relationship and never will be again and Gianna just annoyed me.

"Ok that's enough for tonight it's getting late G I'm going to sleep." I turn my back to her and lay down on my side.

"It's only 12:00" she states

"Exactly dummy it's late it's Thursday we have school tomorrow. Must I remind you?"

"Oh yeah it feels like Friday though."

"Well its Thursday stop talking so I can go to sleep if your staying I have clothes in my dressers you know where to find them. Make yourself comfortable. Night night." I say and giggle at my choice of words and go to sleep.

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