Chapter 5

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Me and Gianna get in the car and I take my phone off of the car charger. I turn on my phone to see that my mom has called me 20 times.
What could be that important that she had to call me 20 times? Whatever it is it must be urgent. I check the time to make sure I'm no later than 12. It's only 10:58 I still have time. I quickly call my mother back the phone rings and rings then suddenly I get her answering machine. No answer? I start to panic and I can feel my body starting to tense up. My mom always answers my phone calls after 10.

"What's wrong El's?" Gianna asks.
"Nothing." I lie I start to feel my stomach start to turn something is wrong. I feel it.
My head suddenly slams back into my seat. And the car shuts off
"What the actual fuck!"
"Don't lie to me Ariel? What is wrong with you. If you don't tell me we're not moving."
I debate in my head whether I should tell Gianna or not.
I mean it's not like I'm 100% sure something is wrong and I could be panicking over nothing.
I take a deep breath and answer her.

"It's my mom she called me 20 times."
"Ok? And-"
"And! It's kind of freaking me out. Why would she just call me 20 times for something that's not urgent or major whatever it is its super important." I start to panic even more if my heart rate keeps going up at this pace, I'm going to have a heart attack.
"Calm down Ariel. Did you try calling her?"
"Yes I got her answering machine. Can we leave I need to hurry and get to the house." I start to get really anxious
"Ok, Ok breathe Ariel"

Gianna starts the car back up and we're back on our way to my house. I start to hope and pray that nothing is wrong.

We arrive at the house and I'm a little calmer than I was moments ago. I dig in my side purse to grab my house keys. My hand suddenly feels numb and I'm no longer in control my hand. My hand won't stop shaking as I try to put the key into the key hole. Gianna grabs my hand and takes the key out of my hand and opens the door herself.
"Calm down Ariel."
I take a deep breath as I step into the house.
It's really quiet. Oh, yeah Eric no longer lives with us I totally forgot. Eric is the 2nd oldest out of 4. He recently moved out to live with his girlfriend, Jenny. Eric would usually have his music blasting for the whole neighborhood to hear but he no longer lives here so coming home to a silent house is still new to me.

"Mom?" I call out for my mother. No answer. Me and Gianna start to search around the house for her and there's no sign of my mother.
"Hey look out back and see if you see her car still parked there." I tell Gianna. She looks out the window to check for me.
"No, she's not here she's gone."Gianna tells me. It's 11:45. Where could my mother possibly be? I sit down on the sofa, I'm exhausted from panicking, stressing and thinking. Maybe I'm over thinking this maybe my mom just went to go pick up some take out, but then again that wouldn't explain the 20 missed calls.
Gianna takes a seat next to me and she looks deep into thought.
"G, you cool?" I asked obviously concerned for my best friend.
"I'm fine I'm just wondering where your mother could possibly be."

"Hello from the other side-" My phone rings and I look on my screen to see who it is and it's Eric my brother. I click the green button to answer.

"Sis, where are you?" Eric asks me
" I'm coming to get you I'll be at the house in 5." He demands. I have no idea what's going on Eric never comes to just pick me up but I'm not going to argue with him because, based off of the tone of his voice I can tell that me not coming with him wasn't an option.
"Ok but Gianna's with me though" I rush the words but the line goes dead. He just hung up on me. Dick!

Me and Gianna wait patiently for Eric to arrive. 5 minutes turns into 30 minutes. I try calling my mom one more time to let her know that Eric is coming to pick me up and she actually answers this time!
I put her on speamee
"Ariel Maddison Grey! Where the hell are you?!"
"I was just going to ask the same question you called me 20 times mom?" I try to explain to her.
"I know how many times I called you! I was trying to find out what toppings you and Gianna wanted on the pizza I was GOING to buy for you guys but since you didn't answer your phone I didn't buy you guys any pizza instead I went out to pick up my Chinese food" My mom explains to me and I just had to laugh at how worked up I was about everything.

"What's so funny?" My mother asks annoyed that I'm laughing.
"It's just me and Gianna thought maybe something happened to you." I inform my mother. "Hey, um Eric said he's coming to get me, don't ask me why I honestly don't know."
"Ok, well I'll be home in a few text me when he arrives I love you and be safe."
"Ok, love ya too mom." I tell my mom.

Whew well I'm glad that I got that out of the way. I still can't believe I panicked over nothing. I'm kind of bummed that I didn't answer her calls because me and Gianna could've been eating pizza right now. I'm not going to complain thought because we did just come back from eating out anyways.
"Well I'm leaving! Text me when you leave." Gianna tells me with so much joy in her voice... A little too much joy. "And where the hell are you going? I thought you were coming with me."
"I can't! I have to get home."
" Are you a detective Ariel? I don't have to tell you why. I have to go I love you best friend and don't forget to text or call me when you leave." Gianna tells me as she gives me a hug and heads out.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2017 ⏰

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