Chapter 4

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I'm standing in line at the snack bar and it's finally my turn. I drop the change that Gianna gave me on to the counter.
"What can I get with that."I ask the cashier.
" 2 peanut chews"
I don't want no damn peanut chews but I'm not going to complain.
"Fine! I'll take it." I pay for the candy and turn around to stomp back off to my seat when suddenly my head connects with someone's chest.

"Ouch what the fudge." I say and grab my head. My head starting to suddenly feel like it's throbbing.

"Oh, shit my bad." The person grabs my hand to see if I'm ok and I suddenly realize that's he's the guy that bought me a tasty cake.

"You" we say at the same time.

"Your the girl that was bullying the vending machine this morning. " he laughs. And I suddenly realize how cute he is, wait he's gorgeous and he has blue eyes.

"Uh...yeah bye." I hurry and walk off quickly.
"Wait" he calls
"What do you want?" I turn around
"Let me get you something." He offers
"No thank you, your not my dad I don't need you to keep buying me things."
"Well technically I didn't buy your tasty cake this morning it was your dollar not mines."

He's right it was my dollar not his but still I don't want to talk to him I hurry and try to think of an excuse to get away from him. I think and think and I finally come up with an excuse.

"My head really hurts, I should get going." I say and grab my head. I mean the pain in my head was starting to go away but it did still hurt.

"Oh, well let me help you get back to your seat."
He's so nice but I really wish he would leave me the hell alone.
"Fine, then will you leave me alone?" I ask him trying to make a deal.
"Yup." He winks

He wraps his arms around me and helps walk me back to my seat we received a few strange glances from strangers which was kinda embarrassing. As we were getting closer to the bleachers I broke away from him and told him I felt fine now. Then Gianna came rushing down the bleachers.

"Oh my gosh are you ok El's." My best friend asks concerned.

"Yeah I am now."

"Austin? Is that you?" Gianna asks and I realize that she's talking to the stranger which now I have found out his name is Austin.

"Uhh.. yeah hey Gianna I was just walking your friend over here she claimed that she had an headache from running into my rock hard abs."
Gianna starts to giggle and I know that laugh it's her 'Your so funny, look how cute I laugh, laugh' which basically she's flirting. She didn't come here to flirt with Austin she came here for Chase.

How do they even know each other. I never heard about Austin and Gianna usually tells me about every boy she meets that is hot.

"You guys know each other?" I ask becoming curious about their history.

"Duhh Ariel this is Chase's hot friend, Austin." Gianna tells me

"Thanks" Austin says

Oh so I did hear about him.
He is hot.

Gianna invites Austin to come and sit with us to finish watching the game with us. Gianna and Austin talked the entire game while I just used my phone scrolling through Instagram, Facebook, Tumblr, and Twitter.

The game finally ends and we've won but I really don't care I just want to leave I'm still hungry 2 peanut chews did not do much.
Me,Gianna, and Austin go down to meet Chase to congratulate him on the win. Chase and Austin give each other a handshake and a brotherly hug and then there's Gianna. She literally jumps on Chase.
"Congratulations I'm just so proud of you. You looked really hot out there." Gianna says as she gets off of Chase.
Chase starts to blush.
Awww they're so cute.
"Hey, I think I'll go it's getting late. But before I leave can I get your number?" Austin says as he takes his phone out of his pocket
I felt a little ache in my chest because I knew Austin wasn't talking to me and I know I'm avoiding boys and all but still........ I kinda wish he was he's really cute and attractive. My ex was no where as hot as him and his blue eyes.....mhmmmm are so... gorgeous and perfect.
"ARIEL!" Gianna yells and ruins my conversation with myself in my head.
"He was talking to you."
"Me? You were talking to me. Oh no you can't get my number." Have to avoid Mr. Hot guy before I start catching the feels.
Gianna snatches Austin's phone out of his hand and starts typing....I guess?
"Here you go" she winks
"Thanks" Austin says as he jogs off to exit the park.
And I suddenly start to feel really awkward because now I'm like the 3rd wheel it's just Me, Chase, and Gianna.
"Ummmm ok so what now?" I ask
"We go out to eat to celebrate." Gianna says excited
"OK cool." Chase says.
I didn't have to ask where we were going because I already knew where. We were going to go to "Juicy Burgers" Gianna's favorite place to eat and the food there is out of this world especially thier famous Juicy Burgers.
"OK what are we waiting for let's go I'm friggin hungry." I say really anxious to eat.
We arrive at Juicy Burgers and feels like I'm at the gates of heaven. I hop out of the car and start running towards the door when suddenly I trip on the curb and smash my face against the pavement.
"What the actual fuck." I cringe in pain as I feel my face feel like it's on fire and suddenly I hear Gianna and Chase laughing their asses off.
"Omg Ariel" Gianna continues to laugh. I suddenly feel someone pick me up and guess who it is....... fucking Austin. He's helped enough today.
"Are you ok?" He asks concerned
I suddenly feel so embarrassed that I could piss on myself any moment.
"Yes, I'm ok. Thank you." I say I seriously have to be more cautious with my life I'm not a cat I only have 1 life. I WALK to the door this time and open the door to Juicy Burgers and I suddenly hear Austin say something to me but I didn't really hear him. Did he just say he'll be calling me.
What? How? I never....... then it suddenly hits me Gianna gave him my damn number.


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