Coopers Revenge

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Vilu's P.O.V

My eyes flutter. Where was I last? I can't quite remember. I fling my body upwards but then this small pain spreads from my head.
"Ow!" I'm dazed, and my head still hurts. I get up from a bed and realize I'm on a bus? Wait, not just any bus, but Angie Carrara's Tour bus!!! I'm about to look around but my first step I collapse to the floor
"Ow" I hold my forehead. It feels like a giant lump is there.
I try again but still I fall!
Suddenly the door rattles and I hear glass smash. SUGAR! I better hide!
Sliding beneath the blankets of Angie's bed, my heart starts to thump.
I peek through the covers and see a girl in red heals and what looks like a tight dress. I can't see her but why? Why would she do this? She grabs Angie's phone from the table and leaves! I rifle the covers of me and fix my hair. Glass is scattered all over the floor. Then there! From the distance! I see her!

German's P.O.V

"Cooper!" I call, "Cooper!" I call again.
"Angie, he's not here, we should look somewhere else." I beg.
"I know but, what if when we leave cooper and the girls show up?" She worries biting her lip.
"Do you think they would hide in the park?"
"No" she sighs, "fine, we'll look somewhere else but where could they have put cooper or hid him" she moans impatiently.
I think for a moment. Ok so he wouldn't be in the park- at there house maybe? But who's house and- I've got it! I know where he is! (I think).
I grab Angie by her wrist and drag her to Jades house.
"What?! Where are we going?" Screams Angie.
"You'll see" I huff, trying to catch up with myself.
"Usually this is the other way round" she laughs, putting a smile on my face.

Angie's P.O.V

No offense but this house isn't necessary the best. Jokes! Who the flip lives here? Madonna? Ok so it's not as good as Germans but it's still a very nice house.
"Why are we here and who lives here anyway?" German knocks the door and before he speaks the door opens.
"German? What are you doing here?"
"Mathias, nice to see you!" German smiles. Ma-what? Who is he?
"Are you here for Jade because if you are she's not here" he looks scared, nervous and looks like he needs to but down that sandwich that he's eating. It's too big for his mouth.
"I'm not looking for jade I'm looks for a small dog about the size of my ankles and eyes bigger than the sun" He defiantly knows something I don't know, And who is this guy, her Boyfriend?
"Um can I just ask, who are you?"
"I'm jade's brother and I shouldn't have to ask about you" his eyes meet my face and he's dazzled.
"oh please" I shun him away with my hand.
"Mathias, where's Cooper?" Germans voice depends, it's cute.
"I-i-i-i don't know" his face turns red.
"Come on Mathias, we all know he's in there" he's about to go in before Mathias holds him back.
"Come on German, let's just sit down, and watch tv, watch the game that's on tonight" his manipulating skills are so bad, seriously.
"If he wasn't in there then you wouldn't mind us coming in" I say. I push past him and see Cooper locked up in a cage.He barks and begs to come out.
"COOPER!!!" I yell,unlocking the cage.
"Oh Cooper I'm so sorry, what did they do to you?" I hug him and kiss him and I'm just so happy to see him.
My happiness turns to anger when I realize who did it.
"Mathias!!!!!!!!!" my eyes darken and I let Cooper out of my hands. He immediately nips at his ankles and chases him around the house.
German comes over to me and I give him a hug.
"Thankyou so much German! I love you"
"I love you too but what exactly is cooper doing to him?" He chuckles,
"Getting Revenge I guess?"
We are both just standing there, laughing at how Coopers barking and chasing him everywhere.
"Oh poor Mathias"

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