Chapter 4: The pack's revenge

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AN: im sorry you guys for taking long on updating. Its cause i have been very busy with school & i have some heres chapter 4! 


Terra then ran into the barrier around Darcia. Darcia then laughed,"You stupid wolf havent you heard me say that you cant take down my barrier!" Kiba ran towards the barrier lighting speed. Hige could only see a flash of white run in to the barrier. But then all he remembers is seeing Blue,Terra, and Tsume covering their eyes ,like him, from the blinding light. After the blinding light ended Blue uncover her eyes only to gasp in amasement. The rest uncover their eyes only to stare in amasement on what was before their own eyes. Kiba had passed through the barrier and was now fighting with Darcia,who was in his purple-ish wolf form with one blue eye and the other gold. "H-how did h-he break the barrier?!" Terra yelled in amasement. Kiba then bit into Darcia's lower leg only to stare at Darcia in fear. Darcia then flung Kiba off his lower leg and attack his neck. "KIBA!!" the rest yelled in fear that he would die like Toboe in Darcia's paws. Kiba felt sharp teeth bite into his neck letting crimson blood spill out. He whinned and screamed in pain when Darcia's teeth bit deeper into his neck. "DARCIA GET OFF.....HIM!" Tsume ran into Darcia and bit into his back. Darcia tried to fling Tsume off but couldnt. Kiba then yelled will getting up,"No....i c-cant die here....w-without taking my revenge for killing the youngest wolf in my PACK!!" Kiba ran lighting speed into Darcia and bit into his neck hard. Tsume jumped off Darcia's back and stood back in amasement. Darcia then yelled in pain only to fall on the floor in a 'THUD'. Kiba let go of Darcia's neck to see the crimson blood flood out and make a small puddle around Darcia. He then said coldly,"Die and go to hell Darcia. You desever to die for killing Toboe!" Darcia then stopped breathing after Kiba bit his neck for a finishing blow. The rest then howled when kiba finished Darcia off. Kiba the barked,"We have taken revenge for Toboe's death.... We should now take Toboe's body to a beautiful place for him to rest" The rest nodded at Kiba and turned into their human forms. Hige and Tsume picked up Toboe's body and carried it to a beautiful meadow full of flowers. The males of the pack burried Toboe's body in the middle of the meadow. Tsume then carved on a rock 'Toboe..... May he rest in peace' and put it ontop where Toboe was burried. Kiba then stood up,"May Toboe now rest in peace.... He was a young pup who wanted to make ot to paradise.... May he rest in eternal peace" Then he sat down. Tsume stood up,"Toboe, was like a younger brother to me....he was a brave pup who considered me as his friend....Toboe please rest in peace" he sat down. Hige hesitated to stand up,"Toboe, you where a fun boy to be with always telling me that i was always hungry -chuckles- but.....we will all miss you Toboe please rest in will always be in our minds and in peace Toboe" he sat down sobbing. Blue did not stand up to say anything she just continued to cry with Terra. Terra then stood up,"Toboe,the first time we met you wanted me to be in the pack...after days in being in the pack i began to love you.....but when you d-died my heart broke....i will aways love you Toboe....i will miss in peace" 

And so the pack left the meadow without looking back. For the next three days Terra did not eat. She only mourned Toboe,day and night. Blue approched Terra,"Terra, please stop crying...Toboe wouldnt like you to mourn him....remember he wanted you to make it to paradise for him" Terra then nodded,"O-okay Blue....i promised him i would make it to paradise" Weeks passed and the wolves where in a human town. They were walking together in the streets in their human forms. Not even a single human knew they where wolves. They passed through may signs that said 'BRING ANY WOLVES TO THE POLICE ALIVE....REWARD: $1,000' But they just keeped walking.......Until..... 

~~~~~~~~To Be Continued~~~~~~~~~ 


AN: I bet your all pist at me for the cliff hanger sooooo.....ima try and update later today or next week or some day :O anywho have a nice sunday :} Please comment, vote, and/or follow! Have any ideas for the next chapters? If so message me ASAP! BYEZ! :3

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