Chapter 6:The Confrontment & Disapperance

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"Where should we start looking though?" Hige asked while looking around "Probably he went into a different alley guys" Blue said "True we should check all the alleys for his scent atleast" Tsume ordered us "Right lets go then!" Terra hurridly said. The 4 wolves,they changed back to their wolf forms, traced Kiba's scent to a light up alley. Tsume growled after smelling a different wolf scent "Someones with Kiba lets hurry and find him!" Tsume ordered quickly. So they ran off chasing Kiba's scent. They came to a stop where Kiba's scent ended in a intersection of alley ways. "Where to now!?" i almost yelled angryly "We split up" Blue answered "But were 4 wolves and theres only 3 ways Blue" "Well then two of us have to go together" Blue said and ran to the left alley. "Well.......I CALL DIBS ON RIGHT!" Hige yelled and ran to the right alley. "That means we both go straight" Tsume said before running straight to the alley with Terra following right behind. 

-------------Kiba's POV---------------- 

When i woke up, i had what seemed like a dog collar 'How this get on me? Wait where AM i?' i thought while looking around, it looked like a was in some kind of animal cage. Then i noticed i was in my wolf form. 'No wonder' i thought sarcastily. Then there was loud footsteps coming closer to my cage "Whos there" i barked 'Wait they cant understand me if their humans' i sighed and laid down on the floor of the cage. A human dress in black walked up "Your awake now huh,Wolfy" i growled 'Wolfy!? Call me that again and ill rip your throat out!' i angryly thought. When the man heard me growl he smirked and said "I'll be back later,Wolfy" he turned and left. I felt really tired after he left so i decided to take a nap until he came back. 

--------------Blue's POV--------------- 

Once i ran off to this alley way i started to feel like someone was following me. So i started to run faster 'Whos following me? Dont think just run!' i told myself so i ran faster but started to get tired and that same feeling of being followed felt even closer. I shivered, "What should i do now?" i questioned myself as i jogged down the alley 'Lets see turning back to my human form is out of the question. One thing to do then....we face the follower' i thought and then stopped and turned around to see no one "What the...but i felt someon following me?!" i confusely said. Then thats wen i felt someone grab me from my black-blueish fur. I yelped and whinned when the person didnt let go. Thats wen i heard the person chuckle. I kept whinning but the barked in pain when i felt something peirce my stomach and fell to the ground my body twitching and me barking in pain. Then i heard it again that chuckle it made me shiver. 'Hige....' was my last thought before my vision started to blur until my eyes closed. Atleast i was still breathing. ' me' 

---------------Hige's POV-------------

I keeped jogging down the alley way that i had choose. I stopped for a minute to catch my breath and change to my human form. My stomach growled and i sighed "I wish i brought some food with starving" i started to walk down the alley thinking of what was at the end of the alley, well my imagination took over and i gasped "Maybe theres babes at the end of the alley waiting for me to get there"  after that said i ran off trying to get to the end of the alley. I keeped running until i came to a dead end, i stood there for a while staring at the wall "Wait a dead end?......." after five minutes i realized "A DEAD END! NOOOOOOOOOOOOO! WHERES THE END OF THE ALLEY! WHERE THE BABES ARE SUPOSED TO BE AT!? AW MAN!" i keeped yelling things to the wall and kicked it three times until i stopped when there was a chilling cold voice "You lost or looking for someone ,porky?" "Tsume thats not cool anymore" i turned around thinking it was Tsume.....i was wrong "Who are you!?" i asked shakyly "No one important...just know that you wont be able to find your precious girlfriend,porky" "How do you know Blue! What did you do to her!" i yelled *Blue i hope your okay* i thought "Lets just say that she wont ba alive minutes so if you want to save her,porky, you would want to find your way out" he said before disappearing. "Blue im coming to save you dont worry" i said before running off to find her

---------------Tsume's POV-------------

We keeped walking down the alley in silence. "Is that the end?" Terra asked,pointing to a light that was far away "Probably not cause its still night and there shouldnt be any sunlight" i said "What if it is the end of the alley Tsume!" "Well you can go find out yourself Terra!" "Fine! I will!" she yelled and jogged off to see if the light at the end was the exit.


AN:Thats it for this chapter......if you havent checked out my other story DarkPowers you should go check that out if you will.....anywho thanks for reading this chapter....oh and if you guys comment ill give you COOKIES! and a sneak peak of the next chapter of DarkPowers or BattleCry......(plz if you will watch the video on the right side thanks if you did) comment vote and follow (if you will?) BYE-BYE Lieutenant Riza Hawkeye out.....

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