Chapter 2

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They leave the room and lock the door behind them. The first thing I noticed was the huge panels sticking out from the walls, I investigate further and see many doors around the room, I wonder why they need that many? "Okay for your first test" a booming voice comes out of nowhere, which is thunderous for my animal ears "I want you to jump as high as you can and grab the white panels sticking out from the walls, try to jump and climb them till you get to the roof. "Okay, good luck" I hear a click as she turns off the microphone. I'm going to guess this building is about around 20 feet high this is going to take all my strength, which is not much. Climbing these is going to be almost impossible for me, let's just see how it goes. With my hair that goes down to my ankles, I hope I don't trip over it. "On the count of 3 I would like you to begin" instead of refusing, I just nod "1-2-3" I jump and almost miss the first one. Just hanging on by my fingers I swing my other hand up to get a better grip and pull myself up. I lay on the panel already tired. How do they think I can do this when they never let me out to go exercise. That's a lot harder than I expected. I go for the rest of them and slip on my hair a couple of times. I rejoice as I reach the top. Sitting, I take this time to relax a bit. I hope that's all I have to do today cause I'm too tired to do anything more. I feel my back hit against the wall, and I know I wasn't sitting against the wall. Before I could turn and look to see what was going on, I was falling I look around to see that they pulled the panels back into the wall right from under me. I close eyes ready for the impact of the ground to come "Am I going to die?" I ask myself "Did I do something to anger them?" I may be falling, but, I've never felt so free. I feel something touch my back, and then feel the ground under me. This ground is soft. Wait, this isn't the ground, I slowly eyes open my eyes to see the guy I bit laying under me. I quickly hop up and move away "Luckily you don't weigh too much" He smiles and laughs. His smile reminds me of the kind man that used to visit me. He stands and looks up to a glass panel in the wall with people inside. I didn't even realize people were up there. "What are you thinking, Mister Ryker?!" The voice booms out again. She sounds as if this isn't his first time doing this. But has no choice, to deal with him. "You're not qualified to save the Experiments" Ryker points to me and moves closer to where the panel is, which is no use he wouldn't be able to reach them if he wanted to do something. "You could have killed her!" Ryker yells right back "You mean 'it' Mister Ryker" Ryker shakes his head and moves closer to me now. "No, I meant what I said. She is still half human you could've killed her!"

"RYKER!" the voice booms again but this time louder. I sit and push my ears against my head to try and block the noise and this argument, but it didn't help much. "Ryker this happened earlier with the young Zebra-girl" What? I suddenly just became interested in this conversation. "You know we get rid of the useless one's" I see her push a button. I have pretty good eyesight. I see little parts of the wall open up like doors and see metal machines that are shaped like humans, like me. They run after me and they're fast so I run to a corner and lay in a ball as they hit and kick me. Pain comes from every part of my body. Please make it stop. One manages to hit my stomach. Hard. The taste of copper takes over the inside of my mouth. I can't take this. I spit trying to get the overwhelming taste out of my mouth. Red splatters on the floor. No way, I'm bleeding? I hear the people laugh at me through the glass. I'm tired of being pushed around. I punch one across the face and pain shoots through my hand, I look to see all the other robots stop, I look up and see through the glass to see some people in some kind of gray suit. one of which was holding his face in the same spot I hit the robot. This makes the fight more enjoyable. I spin and kick one right under the chin, and he and his robot go tumbling down which gives me room to run, so running is exactly what I did. I run past all the obstacles as they're close behind "Ryker you're going to get punished for this by my father" I run by Ryker and grab his hand, he smiles and waves, I roll my eyes at how carefree he is. Luckily he left the door open, because who's going to take the time to shut a door while a person is falling from 20 feet in the air. And the guards are to busy talking about their kids and who's better at what. We run past the guards, who just now decided to do their job, are also now chasing us. I can see the exit it's so close I could almost "Stop!" I feel my body hit the ground "Ryker you're soft like your father" I hear the same voice from the room. He looked at me and smirks "Don't worry you'll get punished to Experiment 00X"

"That's not her name Brady!" Ryker spat. Brady looks at him with fake surprise "Then, Ryker go on tell me what's her name?" Brady says as if he knows Ryker won't tell. Ryker looks from Brady to me and back at Brady "I thought so. Remember Ryker you work for us, so if you step out of line again" Brady takes his finger and runs it across his throat. I wonder what it meant. The guard picks me up first and starts to drag me. Ryker stares at me, with no emotion on his face. I try and use my animal senses to sense his emotions. Instead of my little cage, I get a room that's all white but, it has a bed, closet full of clothes of different colors and a desk with papers, pencils, colored pencils and one pair of scissors. When my eyes cross over the scissors I can't help but wonder if anyone has tried to kill themselves and how many have succeeded, I shake the thought out of my head. I don't want to think about it. 

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