Chapter 3: Recurring Dream

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Spinning in circles, Annabel tries finding her way out of the woods. She doesn’t know where she is or how she got here, but something seems very familiar about this place. She couldn’t think of it though.

Fear is rushing through every inch of her body as she tries finding some way, any way, out of the dark, and horrifying woods that she somehow winds up in. Annabel couldn’t even tell what time of day it was through the thick layers of leaves that overlap each other. It could be nighttime for all she knows.

Every turn she takes, she seems to end up right where she began because it all looks the same to her, and she doesn’t even know how deep in the woods she is.

Panicking, Annabel starts running straight, and keeps going straight thinking that the woods would have to end sometime,but It never ends, and she continues to run until she trips over a  tree root that is covered with leaves, and falls with her hands outward.

A sharp pain shoots through Annabels leg, and she glances down to see an immense amount of blood coming out of a cut that is three inches long. She doesn’t remember feeling something scratch her leg when she tripped, and fell, but she knows she is definitely going to need to get a lot of stitches when she gets out of here. If she ever does get out.

Annabel continues to examine her bloody leg when she hears a stick snap then leaves rustling off to her left. She jumps at the sound, and quickly turns her head in the direction the noise came from just in time to see a foot flash behind a large tree. She feels a stab of pain, and her leg starts throbbing when she tries getting up off the ground. Annabel ignores it, and limps to the tree where she swears she saw someone, but is very surprised to see that no one is there behind it when she reaches the spot. Her leg is now in agony.

“Hello?” Annabel barely gets out. She bites her tongue to stop the tears from coming.

Not knowing if whoever was out there heard her, she opens her mouth to say it again, but instead of a hello coming out, a scream comes out as someone jumps down from a tree landing gracefully in front of her. She leaps back and falls. She doesn’t bother getting back up when she notices that the cut on her leg is still bleeding, and her feet bare, but now blood covering them. She can barely see the dry blood underneath all the fresh blood that maintains a flowing stream down her leg. With nothing to clean her leg off with, she just sits there and lets it bleed.

Annabel glances up to see a man staring at her. He is beyond beautiful, and his skin is like a porcelain dolls skin, pale and perfect. He manages to glow slightly, even in the darkness of the woods. He wears black pants that hugs his legs closely, and a white V neck shirt. Like Annabel, he isn’t wearing shoes, and she wonders how he didn’t get hurt jumping from a branch that is at least 25 feet up. He takes a step forward, and recoils before deciding to take another one.

Several steps later he stands in front of her holding out his hand to help her up. Annabel hesitates before reaching out to grab his hand. The pain sends a stinging sensation through her leg as she moves it, but doesn’t say anything. After she getting up, she takes a look at her hands covered in dirt, and brushes them off before she brushes off the dirt that is probably on the back of her white shorts.

The mysterious man doesn’t take his eyes off her even when she steals a peek at him. He takes another step forward when she is done brushing the dirt off of herself, and stares her in the eyes with a pleading look. She sees the fear in his blue green eyes.

“Be careful with who you talk to Annabel,” he says in a low voice.

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