Chapter 4: Foster Care

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Annabel woke up, and looked around confused before she remembered everything about yesterday. Without a clue of how she got here, wherever here was, she sat up and began to stretch her body then pulled the covers off of herself when she heard someone running outside her door. Someone, an older woman, yelled something.

A pair of feet stood outside the door, and knocked softly on the door. Before Annabel could answer, the door slowly creaked open, and a middle aged woman poked her head in.

“Oh good. You’re up!” the lady said coming in all the way, and stopped in front of Annabel.

She wore a baby blue satin robe that fell to her knees, and white slippers that looked a little worn out and dirty. Her graying hair was in a bun that sat on top of her head with a few strands hanging down the sides that framed her face.

“Where am I?” her voice cracked as she spoke.

“You’re in foster care. You’ll only be in here for a few days while the police are sorting everything out.” the lady explained walking towards Annabel.

“Who are you?” Annabel wondered why the lady didn’t introduce herself in the first place.

“Oh right! I’m Lisa Jones,” she replied holding out her hand. Annabel reluctantly stretched out her hand, and shook Lisa’s.

Annabel continued sitting on the bed and waited to see if Lisa was going to say anything else.

“Breakfast is going to be ready soon,” Lisa said before walking out the door.

“Thanks,” Annabel said getting out of bed. “Where’s the bathroom at?” she asked just before Lisa closed the door.

“Right next door on the left,” she pointed off to the side.

“All right. Thank you,” Annabel said waiting for Lisa to close the door and leave.

Annabel looked at her reflection in the big oval mirror that hung above the wooden counter in the bathroom. Her brown hair was in a ratty mess, and she tried to brush it out with her fingers, but it didn’t help very well. She reached over the counter to get a closer look at the freckles that sprinkled across her nose and onto her cheeks. When Annabel was a kid, people used to tell her all the time that she got the freckles from her dad.

She peered down at her clothes that have been on her since yesterday. Her skinny jeans were badly ripped at the knees and she wore a faded yellow t-shirt that hugged her body well. She wished she could put different clothes on because she felt disgusted wearing the same outfit as yesterday.

She turned her attention back to the mirror and tried fixing her hair again. No use. I need a brush or a shower. She turned her head to the corner of the bathroom and discovered a shower stall, but no bathtub. Weird, she thought. She didn’t understand why the house didn’t have a bathtub. With a shrug, she stole one last glance in the mirror before she opened the door to go downstairs.

Walking down the steps, Annabel heard a TV, and someone talking. She paused half way down the steps, lingered, and wondered if she should go down or not. She decided not to, but before she turned around and walked back up, Lisa saw Annabel. Damn it. Caught. Annabel sighed heavily and strolled down the stairs slowly.

She spotted a table that sat right in between the living room and the kitchen, and noticed that there are other kids her age, more or less, here. Two twin boys with short blonde hair that spiked up a little in the front who looked about 14 years old, and a girl with light brown, pin straight hair with bangs cut across her forehead who looked about Annabel’s age. The three kids sitting next to each other on one side of the table looked up as she moved to the table.

“Hiya!” one of the twin boys said with a big smile that lit up his green eyes.

“Hi,” Annabel replied with a weak smile.

“I’m Kaden, and this is my brother Kole,” Kaden said pointing to his brother who is looked down now.

“I’m Addy,” the girl jumped in holding her hand out. “You’re Annabel!”

Annabel shook her hand and nodded. Thank you for telling me my name. I didn’t know. She rolled her eyes when Addy wasn’t looking.

“You can sit here if you want,” Addy  pulled out a chair that sat across from her. “We all sit in the same spot for every meal; No one sits here though, so you can while you stay in our home,” she explained with a smile while she walked to the other side of the table to where her chair was.

Annabel took her seat at the wooden table, and stared at the pastel yellow placemat that was right in front of her. She didn’t know what to say or do; She didn’t even know who these people were. She anticipated leaving so bad that she started to feel the anxiety crawling through her skin and body from being in a house full of people she had never even met until now.

Interrupting Annabels thoughts, Lisa came in carrying a pitcher of orange juice, and a tray of glass cups.

“Breakfast is ready!” she exclaimed, placing the pitcher and tray at the end of the table then walked back into the kitchen and came out with more food.

Annabel poked at her eggs with her fork while she listened to Lisa going on and on about the plans were for the day. Annabel heard bits and parts of what Lisa is said, but didn’t want to do anything today.

“Would you like to come clothes shopping at the mall with Addy and I? You don’t seem to have any other clothes with you,” Lisa asked before she put a fork full of eggs into her mouth.

“I don’t think I have any money with me,”

“I’ll buy since you probably won’t be able to get clothes until you go to your grandparents,” Lisa said shaking her hand in the air to blow off what Annabel said.

She did need clothes since she couldn’t go to her house for a few days.

Annabel nodded her head, but started to feel bad that Lisa, who didn’t even know Annabel that well, was going to buy her new clothes even though she was only going to be in their home for a few days.

She was never allowed to buy anything from the mall. Her parents said everything was always overpriced.

“Yay!” Addy squealed. “We’re going to be shopping buddies!” she clapped, excited.

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