Surprise Visit Pt. 1

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Zayn smiled down at the box of letters in his hands, the memories of he and Liam's conversations flooding back. Every letter, every picture. Everything in the box held a memory that he cherished.

Zayn looked up, the smile still on his face, when he heard Safaa in her room, giggling loudly. There were little feet pattering and Zayn looked behind himself at the hallway, laughing when he saw a wide-eyed Safaa and her 'best friend' running towards him.

She came to a stop a few feet in front of Zayn, laughing uncontrollably as 'he' bumped into the back of her legs. "Zaynie Poo, can we go outside," she asked sweetly, hands behind her back as she played with 'his' hair.

Zayn laughed and nodded, watching fondly as the two of them ran out of the kitchen and into the backyard. "Watch him good, Saf, don't let him in the street," Zayn yelled out behind the two.

His thoughts roamed back to the last few months and the changes they'd brought. Before he could dwell on that and get all emotional, he switched his thoughts to Liam. He was wonderful, so sweet and adorable, and dorky, and gorgeous, and Zayn was a rambling idiot even in his thoughts, but it was okay because he really liked Liam.

As soon as Zayn was about to start writing a response to Liam's last letter, there was a knock on the door and Zayn got up to open it. The neighbors were at work and Niall had went home to Ireland for the week to visit his family, not that he even knocked anyways.

Zayn opened the door, his mouth hanging open when he saw a familiar friendly face smiling back at him.

"Too soon?" Liam smiled at Zayn's surprised face, walking into the house when Zayn stepped out of the way and taking it all in. It wasn't nearly as small as he thought it would've been, what with only Zayn and Safaa living in it.

"It's the same house. Ya know, the same one we all lived in before... all of that happened," Zayn said sadly, playing with his fingers.

Liams smile fell and he walked forward, wrapping Zayn in a tight hug, rubbing his back in the most comfortable way he could.

Zayn was a bit surprised, but stayed in the embrace, nonetheless. Liam was strong and warm, more so than Zayn had imagined. It felt nice to be held like this after so long, and he just melted into it. "Why didn't you skype me and tell me you were coming? I could have cleaned up and cooked, or at least ordered takeout. I feel like this is a terrible first impression," Zayn joked, hugging Liam back.

"Because the element of surprise is always more intriguing, never knowing what you'd be walking in to. It'll always be like that outside of my control, so why not do all I can to get used to it." Liam said, smiling when he felt Zayn grin against his chest.

"I'm willing to bet that's something they taught you in the army, right?" He laughed when Liam mumbled a 'yeah, but let me have it' and pulled away.

"There's someone who's been dying to meet you, let me go get them," Zayn said, walking to the door and leaving Liam to wonder who the second person was. "Saf, you guys c'mere. Someone's here," he yelled into the backyard.

Liam beamed, almost as excited to meet Safaa as he was to meet Zayn. Almost. When he saw her, his smile got even bigger. She was basically Zayn's carbon copy in girl form. She was gorgeous, just like her brother.

When Safaa saw Liam, her mouth fell open, making Liam laugh because not only did she look just like Zayn, she acted just like him, too. "Safaa," Zayn began quietly, "this is Liam."

Safaa ran straight into Liam's arms, and he picked her up, holding her to his chest like she was his own sister, or even child.

Zayn smiled as he watched the two of them, it really was adorable. As many times as he'd imagined this moment, he'd never expected it to be this sweet, or quiet.

As Liam was putting Safaa back on the ground, 'he' came running in, jumping up on Safaa. Liam's eyes lit up, and his smile got incredibly big. "That's Loki, our puppy," Safaa said excitedly, wanting to be the one to tell Liam the news. At the mention of his name, the small dog jumped up to lick at Safaa's face.

Liam beamed and sat cross legged on the floor. Loki went and sniffed around him, deeming him safe enough to lick when Safaa went and sat in his lap. "Zaynie Poo went and bought him a long time ago, when you sent the picture of you pouting. He said you really wanted a puppy and that I'd have to help you so you don't kill him like you did the turtle's," she rambled.

Liam smiled up at Zayn, fond as he watched him blush and avoid eye contact. "Promise he'll be alright, babe, not gonna kill him like the turtles."

Safaa coo'd at Liam calling Zayn 'babe', making Zayn blush harder as he turned and headed into the kitchen. "You guys hungry? Must've had a long journey, Li, we can go out or I can cook, whichever you prefer."

Liam quietly urged Safaa and Loki to her room, standing up and following Zayn into the kitchen. He walked right up behind him, wrapping his arms around Zayn's small waist. "Like I said before," he whispered, "I'm not experienced with relationships, so tell me if this isn't okay at all, yeah?"

Zayn nodded, but melted further into Liam, so he took that as an okay. "I wanna cook for you, have a proper welcoming, yeah? Like, I've been waiting for you to tell me you were gonna come round, and you just showed up unexpected, so I didn't get to like, prepare anything special for you. But since you're here now, I want you to have an amazing homecoming."

"Homecoming," Liam mused out loud, his eyes starry and far away. "I've finally found a home."

Zayn nodded, turning in Liam's arms to face him, cupping his face. "I told you this would be your home, love, and I meant that. Now, can I kiss you?"

Liams smiled widened even more, if possible, and he nodded, leaning to meet his lips halfway with Zayns. They kissed for a long while, only pulling away when Safaa giggled in the doorway. "Zaynie Poo, Ms. Gregory called and said they were having a lock in at the community center tonight and she'd come pick me up if you said I could go. Can I, please?"

Zayn looked up at Liam, biting his lip. "An amazing homecoming indeed," he whispered, so only Liam would hear. "Yeah Saf, go call her and get your things, you can go."

Liam's eyes twinkled with mischief as he stared at Zayn until he was sure Safaa was out of earshot. "Indeed."



how did you guys like this, can anyone guess what that 'amazing homecoming' will be? elohel

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2015 ⏰

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Letters «Ziam AU» *CoWritten with @JAY122096* [ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now