Letter 2.2 (Liam)

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Yes, it was meant as a compliment, so you’re very welcome. *smiley*

And I was sort of hoping you’d see where I was  coming from with the whole purple deal, haha. As far as my feelings on chocolate go, I truly believe its the food of the gods that somehow, made its way to Earth. I feel strongly about my chocolate.

Turtles CAN sort of die… if you accidentally put two of them in a tank together, and they’re both males, things can, evidently, get a bit cannibalistic. Maybe…  maybe I should’ve thought that one through a little bit better than I did…

And, um, thank you for the compliment. I don’t necessarily get them often, and well, thank you Zayn (:

I didn’t realise we were actually flirting. I hoped we were, I just honestly couldn’t tell because I’ve been here for so long, it seems, and I never really had all that much “experience” and I’m sorry if I’m making this awkward, ‘cos I tend to do that, and...and… I’m just… I’m stopping. Again.

And I wouldn’t really call it “bravery”. More like an “only option”.

And your story, just. Wow. You consider ME the brave one? Zayn, you’re more of a superhero than half the men I know. THAT in itself, is what makes a hero. Good...um, good job mate. And also, I’m so, so terribly sorry for all your losses. No one should ever have to go through that. Especially people like you.

And well, it does seem fair, I suppose…

My parents were… different than most parents. My dad was a drinker, and my mother was a right coward. For the last 10 years of my life, my dad, um, well, he abused me. Daily. He said it was because I was “weak” , and “weak boys couldn’t make it on the real world”. He claimed he was making me tougher, but I knew better.

My mother would sit there, and do nothing. Nothing but cry. And I never understood (and to this day still don’t) why she never at least… tried to do anything. Watched. She just watched.

As stupid as the idea seemed at the time, I planned, on the day of my 17th birthday, to tell my mum about me being gay. I’d known for quite some time, and telling my dad would simply do me in.

So I went for the next best thing. I didn’t expect it to go well, but I also didn’t expect it to end the way it did.

When my mum found out, she started screaming at me and telling me I was going to hell, and that my dad would have my head if he ever found out about this. Why she said that, I don’t know, because the moment he got home, she goes and tells him herself.

I’ll spare you the gory details, just know that I made it out of that house with four fractured ribs, a busted lip, black eye, sprained wrist, and cuts and bruises. Everywhere.

How I made it the two blocks to my best mate’s house, I have no idea, but I did, and he took one look at me and drove me to the hospital. Lou, he knew what had been going on at home, and tried to get me to come live with him for months upon months, but I declined every time. I couldn’t leave my parents. I was too terrified of what they’d ever do if they found me again. So I stayed. All those hellish years, I stayed right there.

I stayed with Lou and his boyfriend for a year, and on the day of my 18th birthday, I decided to show that man I wasn’t weak. Well, that, and I had no job, and no way of supporting myself, and I felt like a burden on Lou and Harry, and sleeping on their couch got old after awhile. So, I did the next best thing and joined the military.

And now, here I am, writing back and forth with a man who has quite the scruff, and quite the facial structure.

(Was that good flirting? I actually tried that time!)

P.S I hope you find me of enough interest to continue this, I’d really hate for it to stop… you interest me…

P.P.S Zaynie Poo? Nice one (: If it makes you feel any better, back home, my friends always used to call me “Lili”.

P.P.P.S A puppy, eh? Well, I like them too, and once again, thank you Zaynie  .

I meant Zayn. Sorry, I’m writing in pen. And… if you don’t want me calling you Zaynie, I get it, I’m sorry.

Let me end this before I make an even bigger arse of myself.

Your soldier,




A/N: Hiiiiii!!!!!!!!!! School is ugh. Bye!

~Vero x

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