Letter 3.2 (Liam)

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Dear Zaynie-kins ( don’t even judge me),

I’m so glad that you now see my reasoning and seriousness for chocolate. Its basically a way of life (does that make sense?)

And I’m NOT a turtle murderer! It was an accident... that just so happened to occur twice. And they’re turtles, Zayn. Not people. Though I loved them like they were the children I never had, they were just turtles… God, I miss my turtles.

And look, a hero comes in all shapes and forms; Batman comes in a cape and mask, Spiderman comes in a suit, and I come in an Army regulated uniform. You just so happen to come in, well, jeans and a t-shirt ( I’m totally assuming I’m right here? ). But crying makes you nothing less than that, I promise. Pinky promise.

And pftt, please. Really, I’m just doing what I felt the need to do to make something of myself. Nothing more. I understand, there’s a lot that’s noble about being a soldier, but when it comes to me, I only became one to escape the hell that was once my life, and to take the burden from my friends. Hardly a noble reason if you ask me…

And I assure you, you’ve crossed NO lines. They could rot in hell for all I care.

And wow… you know… you’re so special Zayn, like honestly. I really don’t know too many people who would give up something they claim gives them happiness, simply so that another person’s life isn’t incredibly shitty. So, wow, thank you for that, it means way more than you think… (:

And thank you for that, I’m rather proud of my scruff! It took me awhile to have it grow back out like this. Its amazing they’ve let me have it for as long as they have, honestly. And blushing? Really? I’m really not that good at this Zayn, but thank you nonetheless (:

P.S Thank God! I was hoping you’d want to stay, but then I wasn’t really sure if you’d really want to, but now that I see THIS it just, and yeah, I’m happy. So, so happy..

P.P.S *sigh* Lili? Well, it sounds like Lilo, and if that’s the case, although Zayn sounds nothing  like Stitch, that  is what you shall now be named. Nothing you can do about it either! *sticks out tongue at you*

P.P.P.S You’re ….. you’re beautiful Zayn. Inside and out. And God, I hope that wasn’t too ridiculously straightforward because, honestly, that’s just the truth and.. I… I’m going now. Sergeant needs me… or something like that…

Your Soldier,

Lili             9/10/13


A/N: AHHHH! Liam and Zayn are massive flirts!!! I kind of love writing this and reading Jays parts! Bye guys!

~Vero x

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