Skype Date

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  • Dedicated to All of my fans because you guys are amazing and it's New Years Eve!!! Love you g

Zayn was beyond nervous. He'd added Liam on Skype a few days ago, and they'd planned on actually Skyping today. He would finally be getting to see Liam, lik, kind of in person.a He was happy, but he was so nervous. What if Liam stood him up and din't call? Or what if he tough Zayn wasn't good enough? From just the letters and pictures they'd exchanged, Zayn could tll that Liam was perfct. Not only was he extremely good looking- his hairlooked so soft, his eyes were such a gorgeous brown, his perfectly sculpted jawline was littered with scruff that gave him the perfect manly appearance, his muscles were toned to perfection, and his lips, the bottom one sepecially, looked so soft and plump and sweet- but form the way he spoke to Zayn in the letters, Zayn knew Liam was amazingly sweet, passionate, and all aroubnd lovely. Even after everyhtiong he'd been through before the Armny, he was still so strong and loving. Zayn was afraid that after today,Liam would decide that he was too good for him, which he was in Zayns eyes, and never weant to talk to him again. Liam was perfect and Zayn was.,.. nothing, except worthless and broken.

Zayn had decided that he didn't want to deal with the rejection and was going to send Liam a message and tell him that he'd gotten busy all of a sudden. Before he could, though, a call came through and Liam's profile picture popped onto the screen. Before Zayn could hyperventilate and back out, he forced himself to answer. There on his screen, was a real life (kind of) Liam. He was smiling like he'd been waiting for this. Zayn decided that he was even more beautiful now than he'd ever thought.

"Uh, hi." Zayn said quietly, waving nervously at the screen.

"Wow. Hi." Liam said "You, uh, you look, um nice..." He blabbered, turning red.

Zayn laughed quietly. "Thanks. Sam,e. And by the way, I totally called it!" He smiled brightly, eyes scanning the screen.

"Huh?" Liam questioned, confused.

"I told you before that I was sure your blush would be attractive. And it is, os, I called it." Zayn smiled.

Liam laughed, loud and deep, then covered his mouth with his hand,. "My roomates are trying to sleep and I'm really loud. Sorry, guys." Liam apologized. In the background, Zayn heard a chorus of, "It's fine!" folloeed by a rather loud "That's the guy you're always talking about, don't sweat it! Non-stop, man! He talks about you non-stop! Everyone laughs while Zayn and Liam both blush. "I don't talk about you that much, I swear." Liam mumbles quickly. Someone scoffs loudly, causing everyone to laugh again.

"It's fine. Kinda cute and endearing, actually." Zayn laughed, blushing.

"And you say my blush is cute. That was extremely cute of you!" Liam laughs, making Zayn laugh, too.

"Well, thank you but yours is one hundred times sexier. I see pretty much everything about you is sexy." Zayn smirks, having lost all of his shyness and gained a hell of a lot of courage.

Liam choked on air and spluttered until his airway was clear and he could breath again. "Uh, thanks. You're sexy, too. Like, really sexy." Liam said a little too loudly.

"Liam, mate, sorry to disturbe all your sexual tension here. But we have to be up in like, two hours, and some of us are really tired and need sleep to function. So could you maybe keep it down with lover boy?" Someone said out of the darkness, causing Zayn to blush and laugh.

"Uh, yeah. Shit, two hours is not very long..." Liam says quietly, laughing at his friends.

"Yeah, go to sleep. We can do this again whenever you have time or whatever, maybe during the day so you don't interrupt someone sleep?" Zayn said, trying not to be too loud.

"Wait! Were... Were you serious about me coming down to visit you and Safaa whenever I have a break?" Liam asks nervously.

"Uh, yeah. Let me know what you decide, when you decide. Night, Liam." Zayn says, ending the call when Liam tells him goodnight back.

Just as Zayn is about to close his laptop, there's a beep from his computer and he sees a message from Liam.

majorpayne0829: Goodnight, Zaynie. Can't wait to talk to you again! xx Your Soldier

Zayn smiles and closes his laptop.


A/N: Awww! Cute Ziam Skype fluff! Or was it not cute? Well, I thought it was! Okay, Happy New Years (almost) and bye!

Letters «Ziam AU» *CoWritten with @JAY122096* [ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now