Letter 6.2 (Liam)

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Dear Zayn,

Dear God, I’m so happy you waited for me and didn’t move on, and like I said, I’m sorry and I promise to try my hardest to not let that happen again. And just let me say that actually makes quite a bit of sense if you think about it long enough the way I had to.

The last thing you sound is selfish and inconsiderate. You’ve become my anchor, Zayn, and the fact that I left you just...so abruptly like that, I wouldn’t expect you NOT to kind of wonder what the hell I was doing over here, and given my circumstances, you assuming the worst case scenario is totally understandable, love.

Zayn...no. No, no, no, no. You did NOT break down because of ME? No, that just, that can’t happen. I understand and appreciate the fact that I’m almost guaranteed a cryer at my funeral when it happens, but you can’t go back to the dark place because you thought you lost me. Safaa…. you have Safaa to love, protect, bring up into someone who’s strong and can stand on her own two feet someday. I told you that crying was no sign of weakness, and I meant that, but crying because of ME of all the people to choose from is just… Please don’t cry Zayn. Not for me, not in front of Safaa, just don’t okay?

For me?

And uhmm, I’m actually glad you’re rather attached. (I hope that doesn’t sound too bad really). I just, its been awhile since I’ve been needed OUTSIDE the line of duty. It feels nice. I need you too, babe.


And as for you being clingy, you’re far from it, I promise.

And wow, your face lights up like that? Over my letters?! Thank you just thank you for being that receiving of what I send. I do the same in all honesty and I always felt stupid because I just KNEW that you weren’t doing the same. But now I know… so…. *smiles*

And for the holidays, things actually quite down around the base as far as demands and orders go. We kind of have free range for the most part. Honestly…. being down there with you and Safaa, that wouldn’t be weird? To just have me… there? I mean, we hardly really just know each other and I…  I just… I would love it. A lot.

And Zayn what do you mena do you stand a chance with me? Have you seen yourself. Surely, you’re no idiot, and you’re obviously not blind, Zayn. You’re beautiful. Really and truly.  


And no, you didn’t distract me to that extent Zayn…. though I came close to running over a dog or two on more than one occasion….

Maybe you shouldn’t get me those turtles after all.

And you have low confidence for what? Zayn… I can’t express to you enough through a letter why you’re so foolish to even think that for a moment. Maybe….when I come down there, we can talk about that...really talk about it…

And there is no way on this earth I could ever regret meeting you. I simply meant that I regret the abundance of awkward and weird I was instilled with at birth, you have nothing to do with that other than the fact that you bring it out the worst and the most.

And although I can’t see it, you’re wink was really cute.

P.S The whole Skype thing is a really great idea! My Skype is (majorpayne0829). Add me as soon as possible, and let’s finally meet face-to-face! If you could count that as face-to-face...

Your Soldier,




A/N: Hiya!!! The next chapter is gonna be a real life thing, soo... yup! Get ready!!!

Letters «Ziam AU» *CoWritten with @JAY122096* [ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now