Chapter Thirty: Natural Disaster

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A/N: please spread this story's with your friends and stuff because I'm getting 1000 to 4000 reads a chapter when before I got almost 20000, it would be really appreciated :) xxxx

Chapter Thirty: Natural Disaster

Zach didn't speak to me for the rest of that day. He didn't come in the day after that and ignored all my calls, voice mails and messages. So on the third day of him overlooking my existence, when he finally did turn up to school looking rougher, injured and more venomous then ever before, I adopted the corner-him-after-counselling approach. He put up no fight when I blocked the doorway.

He smoothed down his dark green sweater, pulled out the collar and adjusted his glasses before releasing a sigh. I gulped in response.

"What do you want, Alex?" he questioned, still not properly regarding me.

"Why are you so mad at me?"

He scoffed, avoiding the question.

"Zachary William Edwards, answer me and stop acting as if I've insulted Brenda and her sizzling sausages. God."

He really, really didn't appreciate my attempt of being humorous.

"One day." He held up one finger to fortify his point. I couldn't help but notice the new plaster that had been wrapped around on it. "One day I was gone and it took seconds for you to cosy up to Asshole Fields."

My mouth fell open. Did he just?

"Cosy up. He was being nice and I was being nice back! That's what normal people do!" I practically shrieked. "I suppose you wouldn't know anything about that," I added frostily.

"Hah, very funny-" he began to deride me.

I wouldn't let him this time.

"You know what. No," I snapped, anger that I had withheld for quite a while was flaring up. "You have some questions to answer for me." I hoped I looked as lethal as I felt. "Sit the hell down."

Shock was apparent on his face as he stumbled to a chair allowing me to tower over him. I wonder how much self-control it took to not say: "yes ma'am".

"Ever since you went back home, you're not coming into school and I hardly see you. You look like a bus run you over a couple hundred times," I stated.

"Thanks lovely. How charming," he grumbled, looking up to meet my gaze. His grey eyes were filled with so much intensity I had to refrain from staring into them too deeply.

"What the hells up with that?" I asked.

"Look its nothing. Thank you for your concern. I've just not been feeling well, all right? As for the injuries, I just fell off my motorbike, nothing major. I've got it handled."

He was lying through his teeth. This wasn't how the conversation was meant to go. In another dimension, it would of ended with us kissing and making up.

"If you've got into any more fights, Zach," I began to say.

"I fell off my motorbike," he repeated firmly. I let out a cold laugh. All he seemed to be doing was hiding things from me.

"What's happened to you?" I breathed.


"Come talk to me when you're ready to tell me the truth," I said before pivoting on my heel and exiting the grimy basement. My footsteps echoed against the wooden floor making my exit even more intense.

Zach made no attempt of chasing after me or winning me back. I didn't know where we stood anymore. He had just let me go.

I think that was what hurt the most.

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