Chapter Thirty-One: Revelations

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A/N: I'm English so football is the American equivalence of soccer. I think.

Also don't kill me for this chapter, pweaaaaaase <3

Chapter Thirty-One: Revelations

Jimmy fumbled around with his car keys, throwing and catching them in either hand. "I don't know where to start, I've never told anyone this."

I surveyed the surroundings around us. Snow covered every inch of my lawn, creating a white, frosty blanket. "The beginning would be helpful," I said when he didn't continue.

Not helpful, Alex.

"You literally would be the only person on the Earth to know this," he pressed on, ignoring my sarcastic comment.

"No pressure then."

"You're absolutely awful at this, you know that?"

That silenced me. I gestured with my hand for him to continue speaking.

"Okay, I'll just say it outright."

He caught his breath, looking as nervous as ever.

Though due my extremely bad luck, as soon as he was about to reopen his mouth, my brother, Matt, barged through the front door, stumbling over his untied laces.

"Sorry, sorry, I'm here," he spluttered, panting. "Let's go?" He then shouted a goodbye to my mother (she in return shouted things about texting her when we arrived) before slamming the door shut again.

I never wanted to punch my brother more than in that very moment.

Matt had been bouncing on the balls of his feet ever since I had told him we were going to the football match yesterday. He then began to say how cool it would be to have his sister to be dating the football captain himself. That was where I immediately rushed to say that our relationship was simply and completely platonic.

Jimmy, looking thoroughly disappointed (A/N: almost as disappointed as me watching the PLL "big A reveal, shots fired"), mouthed "I'll tell you later" to me instead.

I sighed, tossing my hair over my shoulder. I then glared at the back of my brother's head whilst he was lacing up his shoes.

I guess I was going to have to wait till after the football match for Jimmy to talk.


The car ride home after the match was eventful. Both Matt and Jimmy were chanting, cheering or dancing wildly in the Cadillac - sometimes they would do all of the above. Matt had gotten his face painted red and white by some lady at the stadium. By now, the paint was cracking and fading making him look like The Joker. Our home team had won and evidently, Jimmy's mood had cheered up.

When we reached a red light, Jimmy took a hand off the steering wheel to give my brother a five-pound note.

I raised an eyebrow at him.

"We made a bet," Matt piped up as he slyly pocketed the money. "And I won it thus making me five-pounds richer." I think that had to be the first time I had ever heard my brother say thus.

"Oh shut up. You won this time," Jimmy replied playfully, a grin etching on his face.

"I'll win every time."

They already had made plans to go to the next football match together. I laughed at their shameless teasing before turning to look out the window.

When we pulled up in front of my house, the boys fist bumped before Matt sprinted back indoors to blabber on to my dad about the match. I remained in the car, determined for Jimmy to tell me his secret.

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