Chapter 24: ~ How Long..? ~

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Arnold and Helga were standing just outside of her house, holding hands as the wind continued to comb through their hair.It was nothing but the sound of the breeze making the autumn leaves dance with the wind. It was a beautiful sight, to see the sun setting before them and the leaves dancing with the wind. It makes Helga think if beach, she could only imagine a breeze this cooling could make her feel this relaxed. Arnold sighed turning to her as he softly squeezed her hand, taking them both into his own. Arnold allowed a drop of sweat to escape his forehead. He was obviously nervous about something; but what could be making him so nervous ?

Arnold's P.O.V.

There's something that has been bothering me as of lately, but I haven't been able to tell the girl whose now staring at me with worry written all over her face. Helga was more important to me than any other girl that I've ever met, even versus Lila. I always knew Helga special to me in some way, the way she always seemed to pick on me a lot in 4th grade, and because of that I almost missed the beauty hidden inside of her. Helga has had feelings for me for who knows how long, I didn't exactly ask her but I guess now is better than never. "Helga, can I ask you something ?" Arnold asked her somehow finding himself a bit flustered. 

I didn't think on how I was going to ask her !!  he mentally cursed himself not thinking about it sooner.

Helga nodded slowly staring at him intensely, wondering what in the world could he be thinking in that football headed shaped head of his.Arnold sucked in a deep breath in between his lips feeling like he might pass out. " H-how long have you liked me exactly ..?" he mumbled under his breath hoping that she didn't hear him. Helga was taken by surprise by his sudden question thinking that he might be asking her to prom.

The blonde beauty laughed her usual laugh whenever she made fun of him, seeing the look on Arnold's face made her settle down. "sorry about that, Arnold. It's just that you took me by surprise, I thought you were asking me to .." she trailed off sighing. She decided to let it go, seeing Arnold look up at her somewhat worried." Oh never mind." she simply said gazing into his beautiful green eyes. Arnold simply smiled lifting his hands to his lips gently pressing his soft lips against her delicate creamy skin. Making Helga blush with a small tint of pink spreading from her cheeks to her entire face. Arnold held his position for what seemed like hours but it were only 5 seconds. The wind grew stronger pushing the leaves around them up in a big gust of wind. It looks like something you'd see in a cliche' movie. Finally Arnold looked up at her looking love sick, obviously loving how the sun reflected on her beauty. 

Helga's P.O.V.

Finally seeing Arnold look up at her with this goofy but oh so handsome facial expression she sighed in defeat knowing he was waiting for her to answer him. " I have liked you for years Arnold, I always have.." she trailed off looking down at the ground feeling a lump form in her throat. 

This was making me more nervous than when we went on that "date" on valentine's day in the fourth grade she thought to herself.

"Do you remember when we first met ...?" she asked him suddenly feeling her hand being squeezed knowing that Arnold was trying to comfort her. She could feel her heart racing as fast a mustang. Not the car, but the horses that you'd usually see running free in the old farm lands. It felt like her heart would bounce out of her chest at any  moment.Arnold thought for a moment attempting to recall the memory; luckily for him he did.He nodded quietly as he focused all of his attention onto her, his goddess. "well.." shed trailed off looking away trying to hide her blush. Arnold's eyes grow out of his eyes as if his eyeballs were going to pop out with shock. "H-how long..?" he asked feeling like he needed confirmation as to how long she's been liking him. Helga couldn't believe her ears, was he going deaf or something from all of this wind ?! she thought in annoyed tone. "Well..since we first met Arnold.." she simply said in a low sweet voice, feeling as if she might faint from embarrassment. 

Arnold was shocked to hear that Helga G. Pataki has liked him for so long. They were practically toddlers when they first met... How could anyone love another person for that long and started at such a young age. All Arnold could do was stare, that was until he dropped her hands. Helga looked at him seeing he was in some sort of shock over what she revealed to him. "Helga, that's a long time... why didn't you tell me sooner..?" he asked her pulling her into a close embrace nuzzling his face onto her neck.Helga smirked shyly "Rejection ..? I don't know there's a lot of reasons. For one Ruth McDoogle and Liiiiila." she emphasized the "I" in her name. " And every time I would try to get close to you, It seems like you just didn't like me .." she said in soft quiet mumble. 

Arnold looked up to face her gently putting his hand under her chin so she could look up at him. "I've liked you for a while too, maybe not as long but , I've liked you too. I've just been well... denying my feelings and pushing them away which was stupid. Then again we were in the fourth grade, so it wasn't really much I would be able to do like I can NOW." he said smirking mischievously pulling her closer to him their lips just a few inches apart. " Oh yeah and what's that Romeo ?" she asked teasingly smirking as well as he was. "well for one this..." he said closing the space between them gently kissing her soft full lips. 


SweetJazzCandy: Ugh... My inspiration is leaving me sadly, hopefully it comes back to me but yay chapter time ! :D Okay so I found this petition over the save the "Arnold The Jungle Movie" hopefully it will do some good so that way Nick can stop being so damn stubborn and collaborate with Craig again so they can finish this movie and answer everyone's questions including mine because I have a bunch !!!!! 

I will leave the link in the comment section, heck if you visit the site you might even see my comment I left on the petition "Jasmine" I have loved "Hey Arnold!" since I was little bitty and I first saw the show. Even now I go on YouTube and search for the episodes . just don't comment or subscribe because YouTube will take the videos away and shut down the channel.  Thank you guys for staying tune. Be sure to leave a comment and or favorite if you think it deserves it ! Thanks again bye ! 

~This Chapter's featured song is Boom Clap ! ~ 

~SweetJazzCandy Out !~

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