Chapter 28: Getting Ready

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Helga's P.O.V.

Long locks golden locks fell to her waist as she undoes her hair out of its pig tails. She sighed heavily stepping into the shower feeling the semi-hot warm water kiss her body. Helga rubs her hands through her hair, placing her hand on the shower wall." Tonight's the night huh..? Arnold and I will be.." she blushed at the very thought as the flashback played through her head like a movie.

*Flashback 3 days before*

Helga was fast asleep in Arnold's bed, when suddenly the bed dipped awaking Helga. "sorry I woke you up, just go back to sleep." he simply said scooting her over and climbing in the bed along side her. He pulled Helga onto him gently laying her head on his chest as he stroked her long blonde quills. " Arnold.. Are you sure we should be in this bed... together..?" Helga asked curiously looking up at him blushing as he continued to stroke her hair. " I know it's weird but, I feel like ... It just seems right." he said staring up at the ceiling with sleepy eyes. 

A quiet yawn escaped his lips , he leaned down and kissed Helga o her forehead. "Listen Helga, I know what you're thinking about right now. I can see it all over your blushing face, and I won't do anything right now." he admitted honestly gently closing his eyes, losing strength to fight his need of sleep. " What are you getting at Arnold ..?" she asked him curious for answers she his attention with a warm kiss on the lips. Arnold sighed happily " Well, you do realize eventually I won't be able to hold back much longer. Looking at you everyday and the kisses you give me everyday that feel like they were sent from heaven. "  Helga still confused lifts up to face him and Arnold sits up as well. "What are you getting at ..?" she asked honestly scared for what he is about to stay next. Arnold shook his head sighing " I want you, but I can wait. I'll wait till you're ready, prom would be too soon but if you were ready then... I would be happy." Arnold said looking seriously into her eyes searching , searching, searching for something, but Helga couldn't tell what.

Helga felt her face grew hot, as if she caught a fever just by hearing him say that he wanted her. It was then Helga realized that she was blushing like a mad  woman. "A-arnold.. I'm shocked to hear you say this.." she admits putting her hands over her lips. Arnold smiled softly " Hey I said when you're ready, don't rush yourself because of me. I know you love me and I love you too but your ... well.. innocence is the most important thing to a woman right ?" he replied calmly taking her hands into his giving them a gently kiss. Helga smiled feeling a wet salty liquid run down her cheek " Arnold..." she simply says pulling being pulling into Arnold's surprisingly small muscular arms.

*End Of Flashback*

Even though Arnold insisted that I should wait till I'm ready, I think I am ready I'm just afraid.. Helga thought to herself .The water ramming itself on to bottom of the tub and part of the shower wall interrupting Helga's thoughts. The blonde beauty sighed turning off the shower head and grabbing her baby cotton soft pink towel. Finally, stepping out of the shower Helga runs her fingers through her wet hair." I forgot about my 2 o'clock air appointment !" she shrieked running out of the bathroom and into her room to quickly change. Helga decided to put on some dark blue jeans and a tye dye of various pinks blouse. Helga blow dried her long golden locks and pulled them into a big fluffy pony tail.

Helga dashed over to the mirror on the other side of her room to check out her appearance, satisfied she left her house yelling over her shoulder "I'm going to the salon to get myself pampered for prom !" stepping outside letting a sigh escape her pink plump lips. Helga began walking to her best friends house hoping that this day wouldn't be ruined in anyway.After 15 minutes of walking to Phoebe's house she rang the doorbell expecting Phoebe to answer the door, but to her surprise it was none other than tall haired boy who answered the door. Helga scoffed annoyed by his presence , that was until she saw he was wearing a bib like cloth around his neck causing Helga to burst into laughter. " pfft ! Nice bib tall haired boy, what are ya a baby ?" she joked clapping his shoulder playfully causing Gerald to blush and grow irritated with him teasing her. " will you cut it out ! Besides it's called a barber's cape " he laughed rolling his eyes " so what brings you here anyway Helga ?" he asked her pointing at her attire. " I should be asking you the same thing tall hair boy, but Phoebe is-" she was interrupted by Phoebe herself taking the barber's cape from around his neck. " Hello Helga" she greeted taking her hand and pulling her inside her home while Gerald stood in the doorway.

"Alright well, sorry lady's but I'm in a rush. Bye babe !" he kissed her cheek thanking her for cutting his hair neatly to perfection and taking his leave. Helga and Phoebe hugged each other and walked the Phoebe's room which was turned more into a beauty salon. She a salon chair,conditioner,and the aroma of hair spray surrounding the room. Helga enjoyed the smell but pretended like she was gagging, making her best friend giggle as she walked over to the chair motioning Helga to sit. Within minutes Phoebe was cutting,curling,and conditioning her hair as if she were a professional. After releasing a heavy sigh from phoebe and a good 45 minutes, Phoebe was finally done with Helga's hair.


SweetJazzCandy: Hold on Guys and Gals !!! I'm going on a date today so since I don't wanna eleave you guys hanging again I'll let you read this far and I'll add it on as another chapter. But when I'm editing I'll combine the two. Hope you guys like it !! <3 

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