Ch 40

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I woke with a gasp, sheltering my eyes from the harsh light. My eyes darted around the pastel room. The makeshift hospital room was void of any people. Doesn't that make me feel so loved.

Looking down at myself I noticed nothing different. Nothing gone, missing, or new-aside from the horrid hospital gown. Maybe I was only out for a few hours or days, a week tops.

Now I took survey of the room. One window, two doors, a bed, white sheets and a blanket, a small dresser, the medical equipment, and some wilted flowers. Nothing to tell me where I could possibly be. Except the window. Shakily, I climbed out from the bed and staggered to the window.

Outside I saw kids playing, dogs chasing each other, some adults barbecuing, plus forest and mountains going on forever. I couldn't have been asleep for too long, it still looks like autumn. Still, no one looked familiar. At least not from this distance, I had to be on the third or fourth floor of whatever building I'm in.

I need to leave and find someone I know and trust. I stumbled to the door to find it locked. Of course, nothing's ever easy. My eyes scanned the room, searching for something of use. I could try to break the door knob with the lamp, or maybe the vase. The vase is metal... Screw it, the vase is closer.

My legs slowly start to feel better as I feel a slight warmth on my shoulder. As I grab the vase the jingling of keys echoes through the room. I slip behind the door as the lock clicks open. I peek from behind the door and see a man holding fresh flowers. He looks familiar...Could it be-

He turned slightly and sniffed the air. My clutch on the vase tighten so my knuckles were white. I stopped breathing hoping he was just smelling the fresh flowers. But of course he had to turn and look at me. His eyes held so many emotions, I couldn't read them all. He froze when he saw me.

Reflexively I swung out at the man's head. The vase found its target, and I ran from the room. I hurdled the man I just assaulted with a vase and sprinted down the corridor. My bare feet smacked against the hardwood flooring. I fell down the stairwell, gracefully if I say so myself, and landed on a group of people. They all stared at me with the same look of astonishment. Before any of them could grab me I took off down another flight of stairs. By now I heard too many footsteps to count behind me.

My legs were healing as fast as the pain hit me. I kept pushing on till I could see a set of doors that lead to the outside. I pushed myself harder as I raced for the doors.

The doors flew open, knocking me onto my back. Freaking Hell! Landing on stone flooring does not do wonders for your back. Unless you're amazed at how much it hurts. Pulling myself up onto my elbows wasn't hard, but looking away from the man who just slammed a door in my face was.

His charcoal grey eyes grabbed at my soul as he stared at me. His hair was blowing in his face, and it looks like he hasn't shaved in a while. He was still, probably shocked to see me. I don't blame him, I was shocked to see his face too.

I ripped myself free from the gaze of his eyes. "Derek? I wake up and you greet me with a door? Really?"

Derek didn't say a word as he stepped over to me and lifted me up. Then my walked up manly werewolf boyfriend began crying. I was shocked to say the least. "I can't believe you're finally awake!"

I hugged him back, but pulled away. "Wait, "finally", what does that mean? How long was I out?"

"Robin, you were asleep for a year." Derek smiled down at me.

Somewhere in all of that everyone who was chasing me showed up. Creepily watching that whole scene. Though now that I was able to see all of their faces I knew exactly who they were.

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