Ch 19

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Robin's POV

~3 weeks later~

"Why can't I wear a tank to combat?" I demand from Mae and Emily

"Well you see, there are bad people in the world..." Maddy starts off the speech you give to children about strangers

"I'm not 3 years old, I stopped taking candy from strangers a while ago. I want to know why, when he warned us we were practicing at the beach, I can't wear a tank!" I burst out, waving my hands in the air dramatically

"Can't you just do what you're told for once?" Mae sighs, rubbing her temples. Emily pinches the bridge of her nose and Maddy just flat out glares at me

"No" I reply before running into my room

Except Derek's in my room. Believe it or not, I'm actually starting to fall for him. But I would rather jump into a pit of snakes than tell him that, and expand his ego that much further.

I continue to lock the door, no way am I wearing a sweatshirt to that class, "This isn't creepy."

His dark eyes are steady on mine, "This is a last resort. I'm telling you something, it involves you. They're closing the schools, for 2 weeks."

This is bad news?, "What's your point?

"I'm not leaving you." he says grabbing my hand gently

"You've known me for 5 weeks. Besides I still live in California. Why are they closing the schools?" I ask, they've never closed them before...

"Major security upgrades. Did you get a tattoo?" He asks, eyes narrowing in on my shoulder with the blossom

"N-yes?" It comes out more as a question

"Robin" he growls slightly, grabbing my and spinning me to bet a better look

"Maybe T-shirts are good" I mutter under my breath, squirming out of his grip

"Let me go-aahhh!" A burning erupts on my chest, above my heart

My three guardians burst in the room
"Derek? Never mind, just move away." Mae says calmly, moving over to me

Derek growls and hugs me tight to his chest

Good thing my vision wasn't already going blurry...

"Derek calm down, she'll be fine in a few minutes. Its getting closer to her birthday so it's getting worse. It comes in waves, she never gets just one." She tries to soothe him, but his eyes are already their metallic yellow

She's right, I got two more, 2 weeks ago it happened in the middle of class and Mae lied and said I had a fever and needed to go rest. I can now teleport, not that far yet, and for that I have a ying-yang symbol and inch or two below the roots of the tree. And three lines, the middle one white and wavy, the outside ones are straight and black. That's on my forearm, for shifting.

Now I feel fire in my heart and on my ankle.

Holy fudge! This one freaking hurts like hell.

I kinda zoned out on Mae's and Derek's argument.

"Jeez" I mutter and sit up in Derek's lap.

"Okay! Does she look okay?" he growls at Wes

"Hey!" I yell, poking his chin

His eyes soften a little, not much, "Let me up"

He looks uncertain at first, but complies.

"They're going to get worse?" I ask Mae, Maddy, and Wes

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