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Robin's POV

"How did I not notice it was raining?" I asked as I stood closer to Mabel

Raining was an understatement, I was pouring, raining cats and dogs, a typhoon some might say.

"You guys as lucky to have me." Mae chuckled, Air Elementals control the weather too, but Waters can influence rain.

"And us!" Kris and Sean yelled as the flung raindrops away

"And we love you guys!" Joey, Ashe, Jayden, and I gushed and squeezed them into a group hug

"Yeah, yeah." They muttered as we trudged on in the muck

"Well Jay and I are me point the mud off you people!" I pointed out to them

"Well Joey, Ashe, and I are heading this way," she pointed to a separate training building with two more just like it on either side, " so bye guys."

"Thank you for keeping my new heals clean!" that's right, Kris is wearing heals, ones that match her blouse.

"Yeah well your keeping me dry so..." I shrugged as we neared the 'pool house', or the training room that was all tiles and had a giant pool in the middle of it.

"Here," I said forming stepping stones for her 10ft walk to the building, "cover me while I make an umbrella."

Otherwise know as a giant leaf.

"You look like a fairy when you have that!" she laughed as she walked away, leaving me exposed to the harsh rain

"How come she got stepping stones?" Sean whined as he walked through the mud

"She's nice to me sharky!" I yelled

"Love you too Bambi!" he shouted back

Jay chuckled, "You two are so alike. But your both too stubborn to admit it."

"We are nothing alike! I love my element and I respect it, he uses it for laughs and jokes. I truly love the animals and plants." I defended

"You have a point," he agreed and looked ahead, "hey are those wolves?"

My heart dropped, "Yes"

"You okay Robin?" he looked concerned

"Those stupid Mutts!" I yelled but kept moving forward

"What'd they do to you?" he asked

So I told him all of it.

"They are douche-tards" he nodded

"Someone who speaks me!" I shouted looking to the sky as we entered the clearing. Today the leaves overhead were tightly woven together and there were bioluminescent flowers and fireflies all over the 'classroom'

"Class, today we'll be working at Wolfsbane, with some of their students. They are practicing on tracking the faintest of scents, and we're going to work on hiding ours into the forest." Ms. Lucid yelled

"You know you two look a lot alike." Jay observed


"Well she has curls, you not so much. And she's normal height." he smirked

"Jerk!" I yelled and punched him in the arm

"Hey" Harrie came up to me and smiled

"Where's Helena?" I asked her

"Out sick" she sighed

"I feel left out." Jay pouted

"Jay this is Harriet, Harrie this is Jayden." I introduced them

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