Ch 29

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All I've done the past week is train, then research, then I get to take special lessons, and finally I fall asleep surrounded by books.

Not normal ones like The Hunger Games or Harry Potter, but ones titled Rarities Among Us and Pandora Women. That's it!

I can't complain, mainly because Elijah's been here(making jokes mainly), keeping an close watch on me since Mabel, Maddy, and Wes just train non-stop.

"What do you have?" Elijah asks tiredly, he looks like he hasn't slept in a week. Which is partially true, I mean he has to keep me under control when no one else is around.

" 'To be an Alpha, one must be able to withstand such power if they are not born with it.
It is possible to Challenge the Alpha. One must be of equal power, if not greater, to the Alpha. This may happen when the Alpha is formally Challenged, or unintentionally. An insult to the Alpha may be taken as a Challenge.
The rules of a challenge are simple; winner is alpha. Male or female. Werewolf or not.' " I recite from the book to my left that looks like it will turn to dust at any moment.

That explained why I'm Alpha, even though Dad and Xavier are running it for me because they think its too much for me to handle at the moment.

"I also learned this;
'The Ancient Pandora Women are a fierce and powerful race. They have extra powers, shifting is a common one, aside from being able to control their element. They are assumed to be mated to the most powerful Alpha in their generation, which has proven itself.
So far there have been two known in existence; Maria Vale and Jocelyn Crestor. Ms. Crestor is a descendent of Ms. Vale, and it is assumed that this race will follow the same bloodline. " I finish and throw that book at him to wake him up. It works, he jumped up and fell out of the chair.

"The "Talents" of these women will be represented with a mark. Maria supposedly had 100 marks at one point, before they vanished all together. That too happened to Jocelyn, she let go of her powers one by one, till she was left with her element. The powers of a Pandora may be taken, stolen away from their owners. This ritual must be conducted on their sixteenth birthday." I stop there and look at Elijah

"Aren't you 16 already?" he questions me and pops a French fry in his mouth.

I motion for him to throw one to me, and I catch it him my mouth,"So I'm in the clear, right?"

"I don't know." He scratches the back of his neck as he stands up from the cream chair. "You want any food?"

"Yes! Can I come?!" I jump up from the blanket nest I made on my bed.

"I don't know," he smiles, "Derek might get upset..."

"You and I both know that I really don't care, and that you love messing with Derek." I say as I go to the door.

"Good point, food time." He says and opens the door.

And standing in the doorway is Kris.

Elijah growls and his eyes flicker black.

At first I thought Kris scared him, but then he picked her up muttering, "Mine," and "Mate."

That utterly confused me. Then it hit me.

"Great, you guys are mates. Awesome." I may sound sarcastic, but I am happy for them. I then looked up at Kris who was flipping out and struggling in Elijah's grip.

"Okay lover-boy, put her down." I grab Kris and pull her out of his arms.

"Oh...yeah, sorry about that." Eli smiles sheepishly at her before introducing himself. I leave them to talk so I can go scrounge the kitchen for food.

"I've missed you." I whisper to the jar of Nutella as I grab it from the pantry. I just continue to make food till I have a mini buffet.

Then I do the normal thing and dig in. And a few pack members come and eat with me, saying I'm a good cook. Which I guess you could say that if you count that I made Nutella-banana sandwiches, Tortilla chips and salsa, and a bunch of other easy-throw-together-dishes.

I actually made friends with the people eating with me; Sarah, Georgie, Dawn, and Quinlan. I learned that Georgie and Dawn are from Derek's pack. Other than some rivalry at the beginning, we got along great.

Until Miss Bimbo herself dropped in. You know, bleached blonde hair, spray tan, snotty.

"Oh, how's the little fatty doing?" He snickered as she sauntered in like she owned the place. I glares and swallowed my chip and salsa.

"Good, still skinnier than you." I reply and face her. I soon wish I didn't. Her mascara and makeup that she caked on is running. Who wears makeup to training? The sweat just ruins it anyway. And to be honest, she would be pretty without that makeup. And while I was contemplating how good of a clown she would be, her goons walked in, and they all looked the same.

"Awe, does the little baby feel threatened by a big werewolf?" she said to me in a baby voice.

"Why should I? I have a mate who loves me." I smirk, making her even angrier.

"Not for long." she seethes and flips her hair over her shoulder dramatically.

"Wow, you don't get it do you." I laugh shaking my head. "I already knew you weren't smart."

"So what, I'm actually pretty." That comment makes Dawn and Georgie choke on their drinks.

"Sure you are." I smile."Hey, if you can't be the sharpest tool in the shed, you can. Always be the hoe."

I may be violent. I may get into fights. But after getting kicked out of the second academy I was forced to see a councilor/therapist. The only way they got me to stop being physically abusive was to teach me verbal abuse and to "talk things out".

Hence why I use sarcasm, because punching people is frowned upon.

My point in that whole flashback was that she lunged at me.

And if I hadn't moved just in time, her claws would've gone down my whole face instead of just just nicking my cheekbone.

"You're the little whore who came between me and Derek." She growls and slashes at me. I dodge and roundhouse-kick her in the stomach.

"Derek must be happy that he found me when he did then." I say as I slide over the island killing all the food. Poor buffet, he was so young. By now, everyone evacuated the kitchen, and I think someone went to get Xavier and Derek.

"I was supposed to be Luna. Not some nature-freak-reject." She snarls before diving over the counter. That's when her face decided to kiss the frying pan.

Yup. I smacked her with a frying pan. All the training with Emily really came in handy.

"Frying pans. Who knew right?" I say and toss the pan in the sink.

I look at the unconscious Barbie laying on the counter. I desperately want to sharpie her face right now...

"Robin." I hear my dad say from behind me.

"Yes?" I ask innocently as I turn to face him and my mom. I did not know she was there.

"My office. Now."

And that's all it took for Barbie to be carried away and everyone to disperse.

"Okay." I sigh and follow them.

I'm sorry it's so late!

Don't kill meh!

I've just been really busy and distracted.

I really love to read your comments...And I love all of your votes! ;)

But question of the day:
Would you rather have to eat ice cream with a fork for a year or have extremely slow Internet for a month?


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