Here we Go. Again.

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March 13, 2013 

It's the same old cold night, the same day that begins with so much promise but ends in dissapointment, the same damn thing over and over again, only slightly different each time. People always talk about the illusion of choice, what about the illusion of change? People say you always learn from your mistakes, what if even if you do, it's not enough? It feels like I'm stuck in a limbo. Trapped. Like it's all been done before. No, this isn't some 40-year old white-collar worker going through a mid-life crisis about his monotonous life. This is a 16-year old going all hay-wire over his exams. Yes, I get it, the approach was a tad bit over on the dramatic scale.

But it does feel that way. I start the morning feeling all optimistic and end it's up as a downer. It's probably to do with me procrastinating and doing literally everything a day before. Meh.

April 16th, 2013

As an Insomniac,  my days tend to begin while I am still awake. I am often browsing the 'inter-webz', playing video-games or just wandering around aimlessly  with earphones firlmy plugged in, listening to music. 

After a few hours, when I have finally awoken from my nocturnal slumber, I am often greeted by my mother screaming at me telling me to, "get up".  Bewildered by this sudden uproar, I usually procastinate for a few hours, before finally getting out of my bed. When I exit my room (if it's a Sunday), my taste buds are aroused by the sweet aroma of this strange (yet scrumptious) South-Asian delicacy known as 'halwa puri'. After helping myself to a few 'parathas', I devour what's left in the fridge, showing no mercy to any unsuspecting left-overs.

Ahh, lazy morning Sundays sure are a bliss.

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