Chapter 6 - Addicted to Love

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"So its like, time really doesn't exist right? And like, somehow all of this is all really some made up world out of pure energy and has manifested itself into matter." Were the type conversations I was having with Iggy and Larry. Iggy didn't really like coke and pretty much stuck with weed. Gary was a security officer so he couldn't do anything, but was okay with us partying. Larry and I were smoking weed and doing line after line, then a bump on that last line, followed up with a few more lines and bumps. That one time all-nighter became more frequent I guess. But when we were there doing our lines and talking some deep thoughts about the making and existence about everything, I learned a thing or two about myself. One, when I talk out loud about something, I generally can hear hidden information within and can get an answer to what ever question I am asking out loud. And the second, I had fallen in love with getting away from reality. 

 "Hey don't you need to be at work today dude?" asked Iggy. I opened my eyes slightly and looked at the clock which said it was 9:40am. "Oh shit!" And I bolted off the sofa and grabbed my shoes while running out the door. Seconds after I left, Iggy heard a knock at the door. "I forgot my fucking keys, move dude." Yeah, it was me. I was already upset over being late for work and ended up taking it out on my roomy. "Sorry dude, I'm just messed up right now" as I attempted to apologize on my way back out. I finally got to work an hour late and walked in with my glowing red eyes with dark bags underneath. "Why are you late, Daniel?" asked my boss, Rick. "What? I was supposed to be here at 10am today right?", trying to play it off. "Nope and I think we need to have a chat. In my office, now" Rick said angrily. He could tell that over the last few months, I had been behaving oddly, late usually five, ten, and sometimes twenty minutes late which each time getting progressively worse. "Now Daniel. Its not hard to see you are having some struggles and personal issues you are dealing with. And honestly I have no choice but to let you go", Rick said with a sad facial expression. he continued, "You're a good kid, just mixed up is all. Get yourself cleaned up and on track, then come back and see me. I may have a spot for you then."

Saddened, I walked away from my job being fired for the first time ever. I couldn't help but think about the last few months and all the drugs I did. I used my entire paycheck to pay for the drugs but realized that I was actually $800 in the hole. Kinda like a credit without my dealer knowing. You see, Ed would give me several large quantities of cocaine to sell  to local buyers. Originally that was the plan but I only had one buyer, Larry. Somehow, Ed's call that day turned me into a street dealer and when the first few weeks went by after tax season ended and no deals were made, Ed had some questions. "There just wasn't any sales lately, man. I tried but I only sold one so far." I pleaded. Ed glared at me for a moment and replied,"Well then find some buyers, playa. I expect payment in two weeks for at least half of what I gave you."  So since that day, I have been my only buyer and Larry was getting it for free several nights each week just for having his company and someone to do it with. Now I have no income and a debt to someone that will kill me in two weeks if I don't have money. Oh, and to top it off, bills are past due and I haven't paid rent in a month already and its due again. 


Pros - I find a job, somehow get paid early, and give the entire check to Ed. I get to live

Cons - I get evicted, utilities are already off, and Ed kills me anyway.

"Hi welcome would you like some coffee?" she asked. "No thanks. May I have an application?" I requested. I waited as she walked to the back to grab one for me. "Hey guy. You, big guy with the glasses. You want a job?" I looked around and asked, "who me?" This guy was fairly young with a goatee and seemed clean cut. So I was curious to see what he had. He explained, "Well, for one, have a seat. Second, I'm Mike, what's your name boss?" I sat and introduced myself, "Daniel. So what kind of job are you thinking anyway?" I just got to the point because frankly, I was already short on time and money. "Nothing much really. I need a phone bitch at my restaurant. You can start tomorrow if you want. It pays 7.50/hr. Here's the address" writing it down on a napkin with WaffleHouse imprinted on it. I thanked him, the waitress handed me the application and I walked out the door. That next morning, I drove to the address he gave and found it to be a pizza place called Mama Jane's and I saw Mike inside the store. I parked my car and walked in. It was before opening and it was still so quiet and clean. Mike showed me the store and had me train for a few hours with a few other coworkers before tossing me to the wolves. Turns out, this place was a hoppin busy place. "Thank you for calling Mama Jane's. Would you like to try our new one large one topping carry out special for only $7.99?" I would answer every call this way and there were six lines which seemed to never stop ringing. six long hours later, my shift came to an end and was time to go home. Mike was in the back and I wanted to thank him for giving me a job so quickly. I didn't see him much during the shift, however it was pretty busy and I was on the phone the whole time. I found him in the walk-in freezer sitting down. I asked, "what are you doing?" "Cooling off", he replied. "Well I see that... but anyway, thank you for giving me a job. I really appreciate it." as I smiled holding my hands together hoping he accepts my gratitude. "No problem dude. Wanna bump?"I wasn't sure I heard him correct. Did he just ask what I think he asked?

"How the hell do you think I keep this store running so well and keep it so clean and organized?" Mike asked. "I don't know what do you have?" I asked. Mike took me into the main office which had a lock on the door and a false mirror so no one could see in. He showed me a pink crystal like substance and I wasn't sure what it was. "It's not coke, but what is it?" I asked intrigued. "Speed" Mike replied. Shit, after all I've been through, why the hell not. "Hook one up" I eagerly agreed. So right there on the desk, he cut two lines and used one of the bills from the main change till in the office to use as a straw. " I see what you mean" I said after taking mine. Oh geez the pain was insane! I couldn't believe I just did this. However quickly I began to remember what got me in this situation in the first place and vowed to never do it again... Starting tomorrow.

The days turned into the two weeks very quickly and I was supposed to get a small paycheck that day, but missed the pay cycle so I am still broke. Ed is calling me and I cant avoid his calls forever. I called Mike asking if there was any way to get an advance and based on the recent events, I told him the reason I was looking for a job and why I needed money. Hey, I was always told that honesty is the best policy. "Sorry dude. I wish I could help but I am broke too" Mike said sadly. I explained that this would likely be the last day of work as I wouldn't be alive tomorrow and this is when Mike decided to stage a robbery at the store so that one of the deposits can be used to save me. I was totally okay with this if it meant I got to live. But then before I could confirm all the details with Mike, Ed called again making this his sixteenth call today. My mailbox is now full with his messages and if I listen to any of them, he will know it. Iggy then came to me with his cell phone and handed it to me. "Hello?" I answered. "Why are you avoiding my calls, Daniel?" "I'm sorry, Ed, I got myself into a major issue with the police and wasn't sure how to tell you." "Tell me what?" Ed said in an angry voice. "I was pulled over while trying to make a large deal and had to toss it all out. I'm sorry man, I couldn't go back and get it without being busted." There was a short pause on the other end of the phone and it then disconnected. I realized that I am at home with my friend, Iggy, Gary, and their friends and girlfriends. What am I going to do now? He's probably on his way now to kill me. I have to get them all out so they don't end up dead too! It would be a slaughter!

*Knock, knock, Bang on the front door. "Get the fuck in the back rooms, all of you! Don't come out no matter what you hear. Lock the doors and don't make a sound. Go, Go NOW!" I said very fast and quietly shooing them with my hands to get them away. In a muffled voice, "Open the door, Daniel" and my phone rang. "It's me calling you and I can hear your phone. Open the door before I break it open." I slowly unlocked the door bolt and chain, grabbed the doorknob giving a twist, and opened the door. "Well are you going to invite me in?" having a powerful smile on his face. "C'mon in Ed." This was it, this is how I all ends. Now I have heard of peoples lives flashing before their lives but for me, I ended up seeing all of the crazy dreams I have had over the years but barely remembered actual events.

I turned and looked at him right in the eyes and said, "Ed, the truth is, I did it all up myself. It started with just trying it out to see what it was like, honestly. But that one line became two, then three, then I don't know how many because I lost count after all the days after days of partying. Look man, I respect you more than you will ever know. I have no reason to do or cause disruption to your life and this was all my fault for not having control of my own actions. I lost my job which put me behind but I have been giving you my entire paycheck each time when you thought I was making sales. I felt like I had no choice really but I did what I had to. At least until I got caught up in it and lost control." I shook my head lowering my focus to my dingy carpet in shame for what I did. I could hear the others in the back room shuffling and rattling the bedroom door in order to listen to my every word curious to what was going on. If I could hear them, so could Ed. So I follow up with one final statement, "I understand that this is my last night. So I wont stop you from what you plan on doing. All I ask is to please let my friends go as they had no idea any of this was going on. Now, I'm ready..."  

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