Chapter 10 - Particle Fever

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All week, I cant help but think about what happened. I am not even sure if what happened, happened. Todays paper of course did confirm the conviction of Mike for Capital Murder so that had to be real at least. I guess it doesn't matter anyway because he's out of my life and I don't think I care to find out what or how he killed someone.

I drove home after work to get some TV time in and spark up a smoke. "There is never anything on this damn thing." as I flipped through the channels. Giving up the surfing, I tossed the remote on the chair arm and got up to go make some Ramen noodles. In the background, I can hear the TV still so at least there was some noise. The topic seemed to have something to do with that science stuff again but I didn't care at this point because there wasn't anything else on anyway.

... and that's just the start of it, Jim. The double-slit experiment is a demonstration that light and matter can display characteristics of both classically defined waves and particles; moreover, it displays the fundamentally probabilistic nature of quantum mechanical phenomena. Other atomic-scale entities such as electrons are found to exhibit the same behavior when fired toward a double slit. Additionally, the detection of individual discrete impacts is observed to be inherently probabilistic, which is inexplicable using classical mechanics....

"What the hell slits?" I watched the TV screen trying to understand all that mumbo-jumbo. As I watched closely and waited on my Ramen noodles to finish cooking, it started to make a little sense of what they were talking about. It appeared they were talking about how if that experiment was actually video taped or watched by a human, the particles would react differently, just by simply watching it. That is really weird. I could only wish I was smart enough to truly understand it though.

*Beep Beep Beep.. the microwave chimed. I grabbed some left over green onion and old mushrooms starting to get slimy and tossed them in the noodles to add some additional flavor and sustenance. "Being poor sucks and sometimes you just gotta do what you gotta do", I thought to myself.

As I sat there eating my noodles and watching the Science Channel talking about sub atomic particles and what not, I noticed that little by little, I somehow understood what physics they were describing. Even the quantum physics part was interesting and easily understood. I wasn't sure how or why I could understand it, but I did and wondered if somehow this was related to the questions I had as a child. I sat my Ramen down on the table with my spoon resting on the edge and turned my chair to focus in on the TV. Unfortunately, the program ended sooner than I wanted and felt I had to know more.

I drove to the library and checked out videos and books related to quantum mechanics and physics to try and learn everything I could. I repeated this for several months checking out new books and information on the subject until all of it finally made enough sense, that it began to answer some of those past questions; Why are we here? What's our purpose? What is the meaning of life? etc... In fact, it went even deeper to have even more questions such as; What is God? Where is he? Can he really communicate with us and we hear him? Is God a he, she, it, or what? And this answered everything for me over the continuous research and learning.  "Could I be that simple?" I have to write his down so I don't forget what I've learned. Just in case one day I go crazy and forget.

 - August 18th, 2013: Note to self - God really is in everything and everyone like the good book says. Not in ghost form, but in energy which runs and manipulates the atomic structure of everything. The energy has been found to be conscious and can be manipulated with simple thought, however must be powered by intention which is what the energy/God react based on that intention. This can be found if I go back and review the "Emoto's Water Experiment: The Power of Thought". Science and God are related but religion refuses to suggest that God can be explained. It sucks because both could be good friends if they just allowed each other to meet. Instead, religion preaches to be open minded and caring while doing just the opposite.

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