Chapter 9 - Locked Gates

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It's been three weeks and Mike hasn't called back since. Daniel's routine of work and daily tasks are finally getting back to normal too. He doesn't care as much anymore about those messages Mike left him. He pretty much assumed it had something to do with that one night and wasn't going to get involved. Daniel sat in his chair, reclined back while smoking a cigarette with his left hand and the remote in his right hand. "There isn't a damn thing on today." Daniel continued to flip through the channels and thought he saw a glimpse of mikes face on one of the channels. He started changing the channels back to see if he really just saw that and stopped on the Fox News channel which showed three photos and talking about a fatal crime committed. On the left was Mike's, in the middle was Tony, and the right was a stranger with the name of Jason at the bottom. Daniel's cigarette ashes were building up and falling onto the carpet while he sat watching the TV in awe and not blinking. "That's the guy in my dream!" Daniel exclaimed even though no one else was there. "No fucking way!"

- ... and in Texas, a boy murdered for his money. Yes Carla, it was devastating when kids playing near a creek found the body of 23 year old Jason. Police say this appeared to be a premeditated homicide and the suspects can be found guilty of capital murder. They refuse to say if these men will be charged as they are still collecting evidence. Please stay tuned as we will have live updates throughout the hour. Now Tom with the weather... Hi folks! Its gonna be hot today with slight chance of....

Daniel sat in the chair with his jaw open and in total silence as the cigarette began to burn the butt and his fingers and dropped it onto the carpet. He quickly picked it up but there was already a small burn hole left behind in the carpet. "There goes my deposit" he mumbled as he glanced back up at the screen. Still in disbelief, he grabbed the remote and flipped channel to channel trying to find another story but none were being aired. "I have to know if I really just saw that..."

It was clear that only after a few days, Daniel received the answer he was looking for and found Mike to be incarcerated for capital murder. Thinking back to the dream he had, he wondered if any of that actually was real or if it was simply a coincidence. Daniel drove to the county jail which Mike was being held and to be soon transported to the state prison. He arrived late that afternoon as the drive was an all day trip and was stopped by the guard at the gate. After showing his ID, he was allowed to enter the lot, park, then sign in for visiting. His heart racing as he walked into the double metal doors to the holding wing of the jail. An hour passed by very slowly and it smelled of piss in the waiting halls. The people standing waiting to see their inmate, appeared dirty, ill, and some even appeared to be sleeping on the floor. Daniel wasn't sure he was in the correct wing and began to walk back to the front desk where he signed in to be sure. However the front desk was locked up and lights off as if it was a storefront closed for the day. He continued to walk until he found a guard or someone that could help direct him to the right area, but no one was around. He found the front doors and decided this was just too weird and uncomfortable to stay here and wanted to leave. The doors appeared stuck for a moment and he gave it one more good shove causing the door to fling open and hit the brick wall on the other side. He ran out and toward his car getting in so he could feel somewhat safe and in his zone again, but it just wasn't far enough away. "I don't really want to go back home. I have to know what happened to Mike! But I cant stay here either! Shit! Shit! SHIT!" screaming in his car from the frustration and adrenalin. Daniel sat in silence for a moment with both hands on the steering wheel to gather a second to think. "Does it really matter?" he asked himself shaking his head no and looking up and out his front window.

After deciding it just wasn't worth the frustration, Daniel started the car up and began his journey back home and approached the guard gate to exit.

"Sorry sir, this gate is closed. You will have to go around to the other side of the building to exit."

Daniel drove around to the other side and there was another guard at the gate. He pulled up to the guard to let him pass and the guard shined a flashlight in his eyes to check out who he was.

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